
My husband amazes me

My husband amazes me. He truly has a super power. Granted, he doesn’t drink much or often- but no matter HOW MUCH he drinks- he is never- and I mean never hung over. Personally, I would drink much more- but that is probably why he was blessed with this ability and not me.
“Saturdays are for soccer”- sounds like a catchy bumper sticker, eh?  Like I should add something about my honors student?  Chloe just lost her game nonetheless, and I fear Caleb’s team won’t fare much better this afternoon. Oh well the weather here is unusually warm and it is a beautiful day to be outside.  I think a trip to the park or a long walk is in the works… Sure beats putting away Halloween decorations and cleaning…ugh.  Although- Liam keeps hounding us. He says, “Put Halloween in the box, mom- it is time for Happy Holidays”.
Quick question:Who else got wrapped in crepe paper by a group of 15-year-old boys at THEIR job yesterday?   I know –so cliché. The question should be who didn’t?
Check out this link- if it works to find Sapulpa High School’s ag. teacher in his wild and crazy college days (He is in the bottom picture posing with the prisoner in black face)…. If it makes you as sick as it did me- call (918) 224-6560 and let Jennifer Glysson know. http://www.tolerance.org/news/feature/okstate/page4.html
Spread the love and have an amazing weekend.


Blogger kingdomforavoice said...

I wish that my super power manifested it self in another way when i was sober. Like x-ray vision...

4:29 PM  
Blogger OKRyan said...

his super power truley lies in the fact he had three hot drunk women

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea! KKK! WHooooo! I love OSU! That's it I'm moving back.

11:34 PM  

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