
Okay I stand correct

Okay, I stand corrected. Caleb’s team won.  It was a beautiful day here, full of sun, soccer, and family events. Ry and Em are home safely and they are settling in nicely to their future of matrimonial bliss. The Halloween decorations are neatly tucked away for another year and I look forward to tomorrow when I will have an opportunity to do some therapeutic baking. I hope everyone is having relaxing weekends with good friends, good food, and great music.


Blogger lua said...

yikes- now i have opened the floodgates- who invited wayne? vosse? is that you?

11:13 PM  
Blogger OKRyan said...

if you weren't my cousin I would say "I will watch your flank", but you are so I will not

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was me! I gave Wayne your blog address. I LOVE WAYNE! Don't tell Matt.

11:33 PM  

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