love, shit, and tic tac toe

Mark and I were interviewed by the Sapulpa paper today for a Valentines story they are doing on local couples. The writer is a former student. It will be interesting to see what she does with what we gave her. The story will run next Tuesday... on verra.
In other news, I caught Dylan eating shit tonight.
I have to say I love love the new Belle & Sebastian. Give it a listen, and I don't think you will be disappointed.
Tonight, as Chloe and I were playing tic tac toe on the computer, she looked at my watch and suddenly looked very sad, then she said, "someone just died." I asked her what she meant, and she looked at the screen and said very solemnly, "My friend says someone dies every minute, I just hope it wasn't someone I know." Then we resumed our game. I taught her how to send e-mails, and she wanted to know exactly how they got there. I don't know, really. Some of you can expect to get some Chloe e-mails, though. She wanted to send one to each person in my address book. Good night.
Wove, true wove...
It really is quite fascinating how emails are broken into packets and sent across the the internet and reassembled again for your reading pleasure... Will my email be as good as the letter we got from Chloe? Probably not since there will be no accompaning illustrations. Too cute!
we did not send e-mails tonight. they had a family reading night at her school. so we crashed the party. mother goose was there (the supndt.) and liam talked about her hat the whole time she was trying to read. some lady keptt glaring at me, then fnally shushed liam. i guess she had never heard humpty dumpty and wanted to know how it ended. chloe has the most accelerated reader points in her class, so she was treated as a celebrity. it was sweet.
surprise surprise, dylan was sick today.
Why is there a whoopie cushion next to the computer?
good times baby, good times
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