Sapulpa's Chinatown

Sitting in Wok N Roll at just the right moment, (when people are about) I can imagine I am in a city. It sits on the corner of Main and Dewey, right in the heart of downtown, about halfway down the incline (not quite a hill) coming into town on 66. I love the view from that corner. The food is great, but you must be patient- he can only cook one meal at a time. It is just up the block from Paul's Bookplace, another gem on our downtown landscape.
Chinese food and cheap books always go great together. I do prefer the rice at Bowl and chopsticks.
i miss paul's bookstore, i have not found a good used & new books store here yet.
I just called 918-227-1888 and got a "Massage Parlor" I think this whole Wok and Roll restaurant is just a front.
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Personally, I'm a bowl & chopsticks fan. Triple Fragrance....mmm good. I suppose it does lack a little of the ambiance that Wok N Roll gets to claim.
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