Ah, the dilemma of mothers across the country this Valentine evening... What to do with all of those bags of cheap cards acquired at (insert child's name) 's party? (My kids went to a total of 7 Valentines parties- and none of them were for Caleb) Personally, I will pick through and keep any homemade ones for keep sake. The rest get recycled. Then there is the candy... most of it will go in the goody bowl on top of the fridge- but we did enjoy quite a bit today. I forgot how good fun dips are! Of course, the chocolate never lasts long. Some kid always brings those miniature Joes style cup with cheap toys/erasers/pencils, etc. My guess is that his parents are trying to be involved- but yet healthy. I just donate it all to goodwill. Well, I better get back to the great Valentine massacre. BTW, Liam got several Lindsay Lohan cards... What is that about?
Love, etc.
Lindsay Lohan is said to be dating Ryan Adams
That is such a matter of fact comment. It seems to me that the valentine card makers and Mr. Adams have the same taste.
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