
J'ai mal a la tete

As I rolled over to hit the snooze one last time, I see that I have seriously over slept. No sun salutations today. No long walk with Mark. Sitting up, my pounding head reminds me of the reason for such deep slumber. Did I really have a hang over? On a Wednesday? Gulping down my coffee, I curse the cheap (but tasty) Chilean wine I had last night. Ah, last night...
After dropping Dyl, Li, and Chlo off at respite, Mark went to an interview and I drove to Tulsa to get Ca from his academic meet, so I could get him to rehearsal. After getting him a veggie sub and dropping him off at the theatre, I realized I was kid free for the next hour and a half. I was pleased to find Mark at Em and Ryan's (his interview was @ Ace - where Ryan works) so we stayed to visit. The conversation was wonderful. Never a dull moment w/ Em, and she always has wine. I admit, I got carried away, especially sans avoir dine. We discussed life, theories, genetics, and creating.
Personally, I have been especially obsessed with creating, finding an outlet- I should say. I desperately want to learn to knit or paint. I'm not a good gardener, but I try. I love to bake, to draw, to write. I have four children. I am a creator.
Is it wrong to think of my children as masterpieces? Eating, breathing, shitting masterpieces? I am constantly molding, reshaping, and perfecting them. When do you know when a piece of art is finished? I think there is another Pollock quote on that. I'm not saying I take full credit for my children, but they are such a beautiful and innocent expression of life. They are me and they are Mark, but they are also them. They have their own ideas, but Mark and I provide the environment. It is fascinating, exhausting, and fufilling. Just like art.
My dream would be to serve as a "paintbrush" for Yves Klein. To actually be the vessel- to create meme sans talent- that would be amazing. Clearly, the creative process excites me.
My head is still fuzzy, my mouth still dry. But as it is Wednesday, I must work. I hope you all are having wonderful, clear headed days. The next time I'm tempted to have one too many glasses of red wine on an empty stomach, I hope I will take pause. Je vous embrasse.
ps That's Davendra. He's easy on the ears. (and the eyes)


Blogger kingdomforavoice said...

I could cover you in paint and drag you around the living room if you'd like.

8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That guy looks like Charlie Manson. Or Cat Stevens. Or a caveman.

3:54 PM  
Blogger lua said...

really? that's all you can say? so it's not a great photo. so, how are you? it's very interesting to write and put things out there...what people choose to respond to, what jumps out at them. fascinating.

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are those naked girls mudwrestling?

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Loved wine so we are on the same page LuLu.
Never be a vessel. You know about barnacles and all that.
as for children mine outlived me and fortunately were not shaped by me.
I never was good at sculpting. But they did love spattering paint.
Bon Mot alors
from the grave

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no no no no molding, reshaping??? just feed 'em and keep them out of trouble.
They aren't supposed to reflect you.
Very dangerous way to go. If you continue worst case they spend too much time emulating you and Mark
just work on table manners and maybe get dylan to stop shitting off the toilet.

4:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. you all are some funny mother f@*!ers. you make me laugh. i love it when people are crazier than me. i wish i was there. we could do some damage. seriously. sans vin.

6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cominzee here les damage oui doux

6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I'm putting it out there that he looks like a caveman. that's all I got. Wait...I could write a poem.

Yes, I feel one coming on...here goes.

Cat Stevens singing
Dealing with Sinnin

Can't be wheelin and dealin
Can't be flyin
Holdin him down
Take it to the woods
Down like Sharon Tate
left her in a state
Them pigs
Them number 9 fools
Talkin revolution
Talkin Satan
Talkin trash with the boyz

No not me, hanging with Mr Cooper
That's me...that's where I wanna be.

11:33 PM  

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