la vie est belle

I found this story very fascinating. Man, Californians are going to run out all of those nasty Republicans by the time we get there, eh?
Iron & Wine and Calexico (live concert)- tomorrow on "all songs considered".
I discovered a fun new American band that sings in French, "Eux Autres", yesterday on one of M!'s many music blogs. I love finding new stuff.
I'm trying to make a list of things that I will miss most about living here, so I can appreciate each thing. Don't want to take anything for granted, you know. Right now, it's mainly Sarah and my house. That's it? What will I miss? Cheap prices? Well, I can't go buy a bunch of stuff, we'll just use less, right? A lack of sidewalks? Nope. Meat excess? nuh-uh. Wal-mart? Bad hair? Ignorance? No, no, and no.
Hmm, I feel inappreciative. I love my kid's teachers. Mostly. I really like their therapists, too. Soccer? I think they have that in other places. Concerts? Oh, wait- we don't get too many as it is. Ho-hum, I'm going to reflect on how good I have it. You should to. We could compare.
We have a store here called Trader Joe's...a supermarket... the best prices!!! Everything is organic and everything is under five dollars. You will love it!!! Seriously, it is the best market ever. All natural cleaning and beauty products too. So, we definitely have cheap prices here so mark that off your list of things you'll miss.
i should clarfy... by naming sarah, i meant all my friends. let's see, there's em, lis, brandi, and oh, yeah ryan- but he's related. does that count? i've heard of trader joe's, but you have to order it on-line. not gonna miss that. public transportation? oh, wait we don't have that. record stores? uh uh. yikes, what am i doing still here?
Okay, I've been reading this blog for awhile--and I love it, but I've been too shy to contribute till now. But, I can tell you two things that you will miss when you move out here: Taco Bueno and QT. After living in Austin and now LA, I can say that the pleasure of the koolee and Mexi Dips-n-chips can only be found at home. You will also miss wide-open expressways--but then you will start to feel weird and wonder where all the people are. I'm going to second the Trader Joe's comment--they've also got great wine--not just the Two Buck Chuck, for those of us who imbibe. One thing I love most about CA is that there is so much variety (scenery, people, etc.) so close. And, although things do cost a little more out here, teachers get paid more and you will not have any air-conditioning bills (or heating bills if you're far enough south).
which music blob is those frency yanks on ?
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