Je pense donc...

“-- Cela est bien dit, répondit Candide, mais il faut cultiver notre jardin.” (de Candide- par Voltaire)
Everyone should apply to law school. I’ve never been so self-aware. I know now exactly how I got to this point in my life. I’m not going to tell you though- you’ll have to wait for the movie.
Purpose is such a complex idea to me. In life, relationships, even food. How can there not be a plan? Is it too easy to blame God or give Him credit for things we don’t understand? Why is it so wrong to throw in the towel? Is someone keeping score? Too many sports analogies?
Listening to the kids eagerly talking all at once about their school projects, lunch menus, after school plans, I sip my coffee smiling and nodding in response to their excitement. In the corner of my eye, I watch you wash the dishes and I’ve never been more in love.
Each person has limits: mentally, emotionally, physically, and intellectually. Is it all DNA? I wish they had tests so you could find people to balance your weaknesses. Get on that Sarah. I came pretty damn close to finding my DNA match, but our kids weren’t so lucky. Not that I’m complaining- I’m just annoyed that Dylan took a shit on the couch tonight. Science is cruel.
Some things in this life will never make sense. There are those people with whom you can discuss certain things and other people, the rest. That’s okay. Just like no one asks me to teach Math- there are those who you shouldn’t expect to step outside their limits. It is DNA. Science is never wrong. Right?
was he wearing his undies on his head sitting next to Liam with ever shirt he owns on? I can't wait for the movie, who is going to play me? Can't wait for game night
Just relax honey. Seriously, try to give your brain a rest. It feels like it's on overdrive. Put the plan down...step away from the plan for a few minutes and just breath.
The Plan is... There is no Plan. Actually i think it's great you are following your dreams! It will all work out, I'm so happy for all of you!
I meant God's plan for the world. Not my plan. I was questioning religion. i'm ok- not stressed. it was the subject matter that drained me. btw i have no long distance. (you should call me)
Ahhh haaa... God's plan! Hmm... I refrain from comment on God i might offend her.
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