Top 10 reasons to move to California
10. Great wine & Dia
9. Gorgeous scenery & Dia
8. Cheap living (from Mark) & Dia
7. Culture gallore & Dia
6. Concerts (Fillmore- Mark again) & Dia
5. Vosse & Dia
4. The weather- no tornadoes & Dia
3. Fake titties (Guess who?) I would have said law school & Dia
2. Matt/ Legal tattoos & Dia
1. Celebrities, celebrities, celebrities & Dia
Thanks! I thought I might be in the top ten, but I guess not. Vosse makes the list and so does Matt.
Love you too!
i sent it b4 i was done...it was a given?! actually, i just signed on to fix it. chill dude. chill.
i sent it b4 i was done...it was a given?! actually, i just signed on to fix it. chill dude. chill.
check it now now now!!! i can't stop repeating repeating...
actually, dia was #11...JOKING. We were on our way out the door when I wrote it and I hit publish instead of save as draft. sorry. you californians are so sensitive. i have no excuses for the double comment. i also had written "culture gallery"...what the hell is that? no one noticed that, though.
Another reason: Good place for Sarah to come visit on vacation. Sun. Much preferred to snow.
Alright. I'm happy now! I believe I've made my point. Still, don't let me catch you not recognizin and representen. And when you get here we're going culture gallerian immediately.
Love you! Cause you the only reason to come visit Oklahoma!
and still not enough me.
We used this photo in a study. The girl is practicing a labial lock hold on the back the Tyrolean's thick neck.
She was admitted to St. Lukes for treatment and released the same day.
Also, she ended up suing her doctor because her breasts were lopsided. She won the suit and gained bigger boobies for free.
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