I don't care to much for movies in general. I don't have the attention span. I love theatre, but rarely do I find a movie that I can sit through AND enjoy. The March of the Penguins was pretty good, for a dollar. I'd feel guilty saying it was bad- I mean they are penguins, what more can they do? The title says it all- I knew they would never break out in a song, but I can't say it wouldn't have improved things. I saw a movie in France called "Travaux" it was great. I also liked "melinda Melinda" - but not much else this year.
hey what about the singing dancing penguins in "Mary Popins?"
nothing so special about marching anyway.
Has it been 10 years yet? In any event it is time that Matt and Ben not be here.
dumb ? OMG I have a spear of dead brocolli smarter than the two of them together and more animated.
Movies LuLu should see -- "Sin City", it is much like "Melinda" in tone but more lighthearted.
OK D and I saw a great hiphip dance movie she can tell you what.
and woah -the 1973 classic "Satanico Pandemonium" is final;ly on dvd... It is like "Amelie" without subtitles.
now that is what i call entertainment. i appreciate nature-and i'm glad there are people to study science etc., but i personally don't need to know how it all works. germs and shit..gro-oss. Sarah, however, glows when she talks about cell and molecular bio...she looks so happy that i let her. i try to act interested, but i just like watching her talk. like dia and anne frank- don't get her started, unless you have a while.
silly, thta's not me- i just like the picture. it is kinda symbolic- like by check book. btw- i was referring to the mp penguins when i said "that's entertainment"
gross ?
You Americans are so sexually repressed. Mon Dieu !
maybe i'm trying to add some class to this hot dog stand or maybe i need mark to help me do it and he's reading. why aren't you at the concert? going tomorrow, eh?
What about the movie we made?
Ahhh. Good Will Hunting:
Now the roles are reversed little lady. If your still standing here 40 years from now hanging out at the pub, going to Fenway Park...I'll kill you. I'll do it myself. It would be a disgrace to me and all these guys if you stay...you, you're sitting on a winning lottery ticket and you're too scared shitless to cash it in. I don't know much, but I know that.
Or it went something like that...hehe
Don't tell Lindsay that you like Pollock! She'll just end the friendship. She'll also poop on your front porch. Spoken from experience.
You were hoping for meiosis and mitosis, I'm sorry. I could have saved you fifty cents or a dollar or whatever you actually paid and told you that you wouldn't love the penguin movie. You've fallen asleep during four out of five movies we've watched together. Come to think of it, we've probably only watched five movies together, because you don't like movies! I thought women were only supposed to glow when they were pregnant? Does my body think I need a reason to glow, so it found something that I really like and turned on the glow proteins or something? You do a very good job acting interested when I ramble about viruses or giant squid, so don't worry. Keep it up.
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