
Christmas story...part IV
Caleb is playing Flick.
As the President-elect of the board of directors- I couldn't say no. Escecially after I found out that Gr* is playing Ralph. Besides, It's Caleb and not me. Heheh. We have to support the arts, right?

Good night. and Merry Christmas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD!!!!!! You are not! You do not need to have play practice every f**king night on top of soccer, art, therapy, etc., etc., etc. You're nuts! Next year you have to just say NO! You might as well start practicing now bitch. -S

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh...throwing another iron on the fire. When do you poop? Seriously, when do you actually take the time to have a nice long poop. You must wear diapers. Pooping on the go. And why is your name Lua and why do you put a *after everyone's first two initials? So many questions I know. It's just I have time to think about questions when I'm pooping. I like to take my time. YEA POOP!

11:27 PM  
Blogger lua said...

Well, I was trying to protect the innocent from the cruel world of the internet. However, if you notice- I put Caleb's name all over the las post. oops. Lua is a song (on your cd, i think) by bright eyes. "it was so simple in the moonlight- now it's so complicated" and "you're lookin' skinny like a model, with your eyes all painted black"..etc. i think you can get it on his web-site- i guess i should post a link to it, eh?

6:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhh...okay. I like that song. Fuck protecting the innocent! No ones innocent! I just kept getting confused. But, that happens easily. LOVE YOU!

7:26 AM  
Blogger lua said...

we aren't "hear" to guess? you are not one to talk, "spanks you" . besides, you are the one to watch my flank. whatever that means. don't you people work? vosse, do you know anyone at hastings? i need some help getting in.

9:29 AM  
Blogger lua said...

Please check out antony and the johnsons. "I am a bird now"..."you are my sister" is so amazing - it's a duet with boy george. there is also an incredible colaboration with rufus wainwright. thanks to Jo++ for the copy.(and to Th* for the initial introduction) I can't get enough of this cd. btw- the arcade fire played an impromtu concert on a subway platform in nyc. also- check out the latest on the riots.... i hope paris, ma belle, is 100% in tact when i greet her again next summer. this is a long comment,eh?

1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have Arcade Fire on my Atari! And you should see the floaters Gretchen G! G+++ G-Luv G-Spot has left in my toilet. Always keep the plunger handy!

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me love you long time.


4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Now you should follow "our" lead.
Get in touch with the heart and soul of today's Best New Music

6:56 PM  

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