
Let me vent a little

Let me vent a little…
When my children reflect on their lives and look back on their “defining moments”, I want them to be positive.  The need to raise children who have character- who can adapt without forcing them to suffer is challenging.  As Mark and I compare our childhoods, it is clear that it was those moments when we were forced to adapt to circumstances that were beyond our control that molded us to the adults we are today.  Our journeys are riddled with disappointment and failures, but we wouldn’t change a thing because it made us who we are. Parenting is extremely complicated, obviously, because on one hand you don’t want your children to ever suffer or fail, but on the other hand, you have to prepare them for the world and show them how to not just live in the world- but strive to make it better.  Show them the hurt, let them experience discomfort and learn to adapt. There have been some who think my decision to quit my job, sell my house and move my family to places unknown is selfish and inconsiderate.  I disagree.  I think I would be doing my children a great disservice by staying here and not fulfilling a need I have. I don’t want them to live ordinary lives, necessarily.  I don’t want them to feel that they have to live up to some set standard or expectations of society.  Sure, it will be hard- and I may hate life next year, but I have to do it.  Not just for me, or Mark- but for them.  


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did somebody say something to you today? You are on fire!

7:04 PM  
Blogger kingdomforavoice said...

She is always on fire and people are always sayin stuff. As long as we are together we will be happy. Wait didn't Conor say that? crap.

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's Conor? The tennis player said that...he is so poetic. Seriously.

11:08 PM  
Blogger lua said...

bright eyes...fool

5:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh...thank you. Sorry I haven't studied up on the new stuff out there.

8:41 AM  
Blogger OKRyan said...

can I join in on the conversation?

8:31 PM  
Blogger lua said...

go ahead ryan... if you are comfortable conversing with "spanksyou". you all would get along fabulously. vosse- ryan is my cousin, btw.

9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was the deleted comment??

11:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are those so called embarrassing pictures ?

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say fuck 'em! Follow your dreams!!


10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lot of Ass pictures. You wouldn't be interested! And not just of ME!!!

2:56 PM  

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