Me voila avec mon amie Amelie, l'ete passe. Je suis tres heureuse actuellement car j'ai recu un e.mail de sa mere- et tout va bien avec elle. She gave me a nice update on their situation. Of course the media puts out the most dramatic images- but she says it really isn't that bad. So I'll stop worrying. I am proud that Mark has been practicing his French. He will never be without pears. Back to work. ~moi
It's good to hear the whole place isn't up in flames. Have fun on your "day off" I'm having dinner with Tyler and his boyfriend tonight!
wow. What will you say? you should give him my blog address. heh heh. you will have to give me every detail. what he's doing, etc. you can tell him i saw his old french teacher at a conference and we talked about him. he has fond memories of tyler. so does amelie, in fact. wow. that is crazy, but exciting. i do miss him. i would love to have his e-mail, if you get it. have i sent you the latest e-mails from alyssa?
I'll tell you everything that happens. I ran into him at Freddie's sandwich shop. You remember the place I made you climb all those hills to get too? I'll get his email address. I've been trying to get ahold of Alyssa cause we want to go and visit her on our trip. Which email address does she respond too?
Tyler looked great and I'm a bit nervous. Should make for an interesting evening. Thank god Matt is going with me.
cous cous mon ami
as i say the english "burn baby burn"
come see come saw
Charlie - I live forever in the worm of time
O may wee
I drop the stitch
I say the students uprise it is good
why why j'ete tay os to worry and
wring the hands, mon petite LuLU ?
In my day we chowp Les heads of ze Poleeese
we could nut brulure les automobee
because to not ayez-lez
honk honk, miel
Chicken fries on them bones
make em wise and
bake up scones
I ain't scared!
I take that dare
I even show up in my underwear.
I don't know if they could handle a class in Hairbrush 101. Very serious coursework. Not for the faint of heart.
um, excuse me? teacher? i don't own a hairbrush- is that going to be on the final?
I don't think they call them "finals" but as you see Dia does not think you are advanced enough for that course. I have no idea why she says that almost a year after your hearts arrived.
Doesn't matter though "spanksdia" will give lulu private lessons when she starts at hastings
Star Paddle
Burts Bees balm
All will be used in the final. Be prepared...the test takes two hours.
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