N'imPorte Quoi

“Be quiet mom! The owls are sleeping ‘cause it’s light outside.” – Liam “Your eyes are like rainbows” –Liam, “Is it an extra bad sin to cheat at Bible Trivia?” – Caleb. “Look mom, I bought an SAT study guide at the book fair, with the money I have been saving.” –Caleb “Dad, you should quit your job and be a rock star. You’d be good at that.” –Chloe “I am thankful for circles.” –Liam “Dad, you’re not a teacher, you’re a grandpa!” –Liam “Why do we have to ask Santa for less stuff? He’s not broke.”- Chloe “Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon. The little dog laughed to see such sport, and the dish ran away with the spoon.” –Dylan (seriously!)
Mondays are eventful and this one was no different…
- School (duh)
- Art lessons
- Errands
- Theatre board of directors meeting
- Play practice
- Academic team meet
- A visit to grandma’s
I rule at bible trivia, bow down.
some of the best quotes i have ever read!!
No really i am the king, i challenge you, G! not Luke, he was trained in the same house as I.
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The Oldham boys are good at 2 things.. Bible Trivia and growing hair.
I take that challenge. I know the house you grew up in, but I gotta say I think I could take you down.
We should form an untouchable bible trivia mercenary team and rule! We didn't get nursery rhymes we got verses. And I could take all of you @ speaking in tongues, I got some crazy gifts of the spirit, YO! Get me drunk and I may display this talent because you can't get me back to Victory.
Alright that settles it. Let's all form a team and take down those bible trivia beating sons of bitches. You know the ones...in the nursing homes, bingo night, mission retreats. It's time we show them the anger of the lost youth of christ! Can I get an Amen??
Amen!!!!Mark is studying. He's watching Benny knock people over. It's the only channel we can pick up. He's commentating as if it were a sporting event. So fun-nny. No one commented on Dylan's nursery ryhme quote or Liam's concern for sleeping owls.
Yes Lord. Now let's start coming up with bible questions. BRING IT!
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