Let them eat cake!

“No thank you.” I reply as she hands me a plate containing a huge piece of heavily decorated cake, the kind with inches of icing and oozing with cream filling. I am terrified. “You don’t want any?” she asks, looking hurt. “Really, I am okay.” I say, as my throat tightens. “But it is really good cake.” She insists, still holding this monster in my face and looking at me as if I just set my hair on fire. I look around anxiously and realize that everyone in the room, cake in hand, is awaiting my next move. My hands are sweating, my heart is pounding, and the room is spinning. “I guess I’ll try it”, I mutter in defeat. She hands me the cake and watches, as if to be sure I make good on a promise. I take a bite, a small one, but big enough to count. Then I muster a I smile and nod, “Yes, it’s quite good.” I say, hoping to disappear once again in the crowd. At last, she seems satisfied. She smiles and replies, “See, I told you.” I set my plate down and swallow what is left of my dignity.
What makes you think it was me? I guess it is, kind of- but I actually like cake- most of the time. It kind of expresses how I feel sometimes, but in a sinerio that most people can relate to. I don't know- my mind works differently, i guess.
I have been in the presence of cake pushers, but I can say no if I really don't want it. I didn't mean to make it sound like I was trying to be super deep, I was experimenting with metaphor...keeping you on your toes? eh?
I like cake, can i have what you're not going to eat? Stop looking over my shoulder while i'm commenting on your blog. Get naked, i'll be there in a minute. Ah Ha , you're still reading. stop it. no really. If you don't i'll start commenting on your sweet ass. you'll never learn, i'm out.
while you 2 are doing it I am eating all the cake
but it's not about the cake! i can't take you anywhere. there's no doing it or cake eating going on... i give up. my husband is so romantic. the way he woos me- he has a way with words. it's a gift. he's an english teacher, ya know.
so why did I have the bowl bart why did I have a bowl
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