
Thunder Scares Me

The senses are amazing. Sounds and smells that conjure images and feelings from the past. It’s a way to hold onto people and places that don’t exist anymore. I hope I never lose any off my senses. It is especially strange how some days the sense of touch becomes heightened to a point that I can feel someone next to me, without touching them. Some people have a surplus of energy and it exceeds their bodily limits, I think. Just a thought.


Blogger kingdomforavoice said...

I think you may have some sort of latent super power that's just waiting to manifest itself. I hope it's super money making powers.

8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean- it is a gift a lot of my friends have.
I keep finding I can just stand near them and without looking they know it is me.
I think we are at the dawning of the age of aquariums

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never see anyone. They can walk right past me...get up in my face and I won't see them. That's my super power...the ability to completely zone out and not pay attention what so ever.

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay- so there was this really loud storm last night. i couldn't sleep. i thought maybe someone else out there would say, "yeah, me too." i realize i am a little crazy. i can't help but think that we have aura's that sometimes touch. so now my crazies are public. the rest about sights and sounds? sometimes even smells? THAT shit is true. Dude won a nobel prize for the smell/ memory connection last year. facinating.

7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gretchen you get your crazy on as much as you like. Let it flow. Even if shit don't make sense you give it 100%. I say better to get a whole lotta nutty then just a little.

9:53 PM  

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