
Law School Update

Waiting can be frustrating. However, at this point, I am still okay. There are so many things to think about, that I am not stressed- yet. After Christmas, we are going to fix what needs to be done to the house. The plan is to have it on the market by Spring Break. If it sells early, we'll move in with Sarah. Should be interesting, eh?
As far as the application process goes, I have sent completed applications to TU, Western New England (it was free), and OU. I am perfecting my aps for Vermont, Hastings, and Valparaiso (another free one-near Chicago). They will be sent the second week in December (after pay day) I think I should know something by April/May. I'll probably find out that I'm wait-listed and not know for sure until August...Then I'll be stressed.
Although several members of my family are not supportive of my plan, it is incredible to have such amazing friends who are. It's strange, but the people who really know me weren't even surprised. I am lucky. Merci.
Well, we are going to a dinner party tonight. It's 'international'. Mark is making bruchetta. yum. It's @ Em & Ryan's, so it should be an interesting mix of family AND friends in the same place. I feel like George, "My worlds are colliding!"

France or bust.
Je vous embrasse tres fort, mes chers amis.

ps OSU sucked today...so sad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they don't support you now, trust me they'll fall in line afterwards...and if by chance they don't. Do you care?

12:51 AM  

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