natzi dentist

As I sit in the oversized chair, my (short, bald, but sporting a respectable stache) dentist arrives and begins making small talk. I politely wish him a "Happy Mardi Gras", as he shudders, but begins prodding my mouth and asking questions I cannot answer audibly. He is talking about his trip to New Orleans a few years ago, to watch OU play in the Sugar Bowl. "Those LSU fans were awful, just plain hateful."He says in disgust. He tells me we are almost done- I will finally have my new crown. Then, as he fills my mouth with gauze and asks me to bite down, He says before exiting, "They got what they deserved with that Katrina. If you ask me, that was God's way of riding us of that cesspool of filth. Don't eat on that side today, and have a good day. " I sit for a second, absorbing what he just said, as the Christian radio station plays softly in the background. I guess there are things you value in a dentist and other things that make you wonder how they function as human beings in society...
Oh My God, I can't stop laughing. Holy shit. I can just see you there with all that gauze in your mouth in total shock and disbelief. Hey, if you move here you can see my dentist. She gives you video you can watch movies and she uses a massage chair. Very cool and very liberal.
That reminds me of the time I took our dog Matilda to the vet in Austin. He came out wearing a Promisekeeper shirt (the first time we saw him, he just looked like a normal, good-ol-boy vet). Anyway, she had a problem with her foot and we thought she might have to have a toe removed. After he scheduled a $400 surgery he told me that the best thing I could do for her is just to take her home and pray because the "Good Lord" knows whats best. And I'm thinking you just charged me $400 to CUT OFF HER TOE. He didn't end up having to do the surgery after all...and I defected to a hippie lesbian vet that at most might tell me to meditate with Matilda. Way less offensive.
I dance for the doctors
Did you mean NAZI?
uh o spaghetti-o's
I also had a Super Christian dentist experience this week. Not a single piece of secular reading material, the television was playing a videotape (one of about 50 around the TV) that had a preacher preaching on it AND there were flyers everywhere advertising the bible study that was being held in the dentist office that evening. Made me very uncomfortable.
IF that was God trying to punish New Orleans he has shitty aim considering the French Quarter went virtually unharmed! We are surrounded be idiots!
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