boys night out

Mark took Caleb to see the Starlight Mints tonight. Ryan, Phil, and Eric are going, too. Caleb is one of the guys. He was sooo excited.
His cake turned out tasty, but not real pretty. Oh well. If you put enough cocoa, sugar, flour, and oil together- you don't miss the eggs and milk. The frosting was super-delish...again lots of cocoa, sugar, and a little soy milk and soy butter. not healthy- but it's for his birthday, so it really shouldn't be. it was nice to be able to allow the kids to lick the bowl, safely.
I got into the U of Arkansas today. Some of you are asking yourselves why I applied there, so I will tell you. (It is not their renowned ag law program nor is it the close proximity to the wal-mart headquarters...) The ap was free on-line, and after I didn't get into OU, I kind of panicked about not having a backup (besides TU) that is close to Tulsa. So I did it. I kind of forgot about it until I got my packet today. It felt good- but don't hold your breath, Fayetteville.
Tomorrow is Caleb's family party. I think we might bowl for Em's after, then Mark and I are going to the wedding of BJ's (of BJ's blog) younger sister. It is kind of weird, because I remember when she was Caleb's age, and Mark tutored her in math. I feel the same, but she got much older very quickly.
In between all of that, we need to clean for the party, take a load to goodwill, go to the store, wrap and decorate, finish the fence (mark) , finish taping chloe's room (painting on Sunday), and get the boards for the porch. I guess we should have been more productive this afternoon. Oh well, it was nice just the same.
Have a good night.
didn't bill clinton go there before harvard ? or maybe later to pick up co-eds.
We have family in arkansas I was bit by a water moccasin at their place. Whatever you do go far far away from oklahoma
We are Here for You baby
Fuck that ass hole who doesn't like Richard.
listen bitch, Lua is about ME not you.
aw shwnt tres bien poo poo
mon petite boo boo
mi amour dos padres un les wu tang clan
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