So last night, Caleb and I were discussing the logic of vegetarians wearing leather, eating cheese, etc. and he said, "Mom, I would just feel better knowing that the clothes I wear and the food I eat were not due to an animal's sacrifice. I 'm not comfortable with it at all." We then went on to discuss sweatshops and I am not sure the lad slept well last night. His conscience is impressive for a 12 year old. So I told him we could try the vegan thing for a month as an experiement. As for me, I am hoping to reap some health benefits and acquire more energy... We'll see.
Have a happy hump day~
i can't give up my bacon and nikes.
don't let the boy in on the fact that the Converse All Stars he wears are owned by Nike (speaking of, make sure Mark shows you my new kicks). oh, and Yellow Tail isn't vegan either (or so my vegan pals out here said to me when we brought it to a vegan day celebration).
Let me know how it goes!
how can there be animal products in wine? why do you have to bring me such news after my 1st day of being vegan (as i sip a glass of shiraz)? he has grown out of his converse, but i have not mentioned his suede gazelles... what is a girl to do? oh, don't worry- i have seen your shoes. in fact, i need to thank you as mark has become increasingly supportive of my law school endeavors... (especailly after he discovered your shoe allowance)
eggs and cheese and butter dont make no chickies or cow cows suffer,
To follow up on the wine issue--many wines are filtered through fish bones/other fish byproducts. So if you're hardcore, the wine has to go. But there are wines that are categorized as vegan...although I can't imagine a liquor store in OK having a vegan section!
Roe Roe Roe Your boat
O You can't be a vegan if your drink that wine'
Workers suffered at the vines
Suffered at the Vines
O You can't be a vegan if you sip the vino
They made it with our bones while you had your capucino
And they dance by the light of the moon
Dance by the light of the moon.
you are right, no vegan wine here... hmm. i will have to consider my options carefully. i think i will do a little research.
Fuckin' A
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