beware of the sling-shot

Here are some more shots...camping in IN, Harvard, DC, and Lake Erie... lots to see!
Last night, we had a little dinner/shower for Brittin. It was me, Brittin, Sarah, Fritha, and Amy- and I have to say it was a lot of fun. We ate Mexican food (and a beautiful cake), had some beers, and talked for hours. The weather was perfect for sitting outside and catching up w/ old friends. I am so excited for Brittin- and the journey she is about to begin as a mother.
Mark is having a great time w/ Ryan, but be prepared to get many posts about all of the things he shot in CO w/ his sling-shot. He is armed and dangerous.
Monday I have to have a mole removed (to be biopsied)- the Dr. did not like the look of it at all, and I am a little nervous about his reaction. I don't have time for skin cancer.
I took my mom and sister to the airport yesterday. They are spending two weeks in Italy and I am SO excited for them. I hope they get a chance to relax and take it all in...We'll see.
It seems everyone around here is gone or going somewhere soon...we are in a strange era of constant transition...and soon we will be gone. for good.
Better get...check ya later.
love and kisses,
It sucks being very white! You are not allowed to have skin cancer!
Nice post lady. The weather hhere at Eldora is cold. I'm tempted to put on my jeans and sweatshirt. Maybe seeing Pete Yorn for free tonight and may be stopping by the tattoo shop. No plans.
We coulda gone slingshotin'. G and I would have loved it. As long as we didn't have to clean any fish that we happened to get. That's what Mark's pocket knife if for, right?
many a bottles are now in pieces.. thanks to dead eye dick
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
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