sorry guys...

I have dropped the ball on the blog scene...
Hopefully you have seen Mark's @ and know that we just returned from a whirlwind trip across the eastern half of the US. It was incredible and here are some pix of the beach at Cape Cod ...among other random shots.
Around here...we have shown the house a few times and I am preparing myself for school by reading Expert Learning for Law Students- sent to me by my school. I would appreciate any advice on legal breifing or outlining from any lawyers who happen to be reading this... I will say I am already feeling a little overwhelmed, but on the other hand, I am so incredibly excited to begin this journey. I feel privilaged to have this opportunity and will do my best to NOT fuck it up.
On a final note- packing is a bitch; a very ugly toothless bitch.
PS Luke, remind me to tell you about Judy's colorful conversation topics... such as the yeast under her boobs. yeah, now think on THAT. Mark missed it all because he is in CO w/ Ryan- drinking cases of Fat Tire.
You guys look awesome! Wanna hear all about it. Talk soon.
I can't wait to see it!
OMG!! I can only imagine how that conversation w/Judy went! We do need to talk soon I have some juicy tidbits on my end too! Looks like the trip was good!
Your pictures look great--sounds like a wonderful adventure! As far as your request for info about briefing/outlining, I'll answer any question you put to me. I also have my outlines that I created that I'll send to you for reference. They won't be as helpful to you as the ones you'll create for yourself, but it might help to have something to look at.
thank you Lisa! I don't know how you did this alone. I can tell I am going to be calling you a lot.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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