Can you tell we are related?

I played hooky today... I had planned to take Liam to get blood work done (for his meds) but it did not happen. Instead, I ran errands w/ Brandi and Sarah - and it was nice. Among other places, we went to the "Bust Stop" ( a specialty bra store) I will not divulge Sarah's size...but it is impressive. However I found out that the cell phone we will need to get in VT is Verizon- and there is no service here, so we are still sans portable. Et alors...
Tomorrow, I am surprising Caleb by attending the awards ceremony at his school-where (among other awards) he will receive a trophy for "Outstanding 6th grade boy". Mark, Luke, my mom, and Mark's mom will all be there, and he has no clue. I cannot wait.
I know Mark is burnt out on teaching right now, so I have spent a lot of time recently looking for other kinds of jobs for him...It is kind of fun imagining him as a ski instructor (especially w/ the 'stache) Any other suggestions? We'll be close to Montpelier, so he could be a professional hippy- aka an 'artisan'. There are also a lot of farm-help openings.
Well, I am off to bed. Sweet dreams all around.
perhaps mark could be a sneaker collector? just trying to help you come up with ideas.
I think i want to be a lumber inspector... I'd have to inspect a lot of wood! hehe
Scot there is a manager's position open at the foot locer.
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