n'importe quoi

I am really getting excited about school ending, going to France, and moving to Vermont. I am 95% sure now that is where we will be. I got my loan pre-approval this week and it all seems to be falling in place nicely. I go to the web-site daily and look at the housing lists, course description, faculty bios, etc....I think I have read it all twice. If you want to be a nerd like me, you can check it out at http://www.vermontlaw.edu/ Good times.
So 1 more week until prom...I am just not that worried about it. It will feel good to get it done. (One last time!) I am sure we will have lots of pix to post next weekend.
Have I mentioned how much I love the latest Destroyer album? I listened to some of it once or twice when it came out, but Mark burned the whole thing for me...and I love every song. It is worth listening to more than once- I like it more with each listen.
A student turned me on to this video on Google, I am sure most of you know about it (I did not) and it explores some conspiracy theories on 9/11- we don't hear much about on the news (even NPR). I have not had a chance to watch the entire documentary, but I will tomorrow. The scenes I have seen are disturbing, but I feel I need to see the whole movie just the same. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8260059923762628848
I took tickets at our showing of "Ten Little Indians" last night and it was fabulous. I really like Agatha Christie. Went out have a beer and play shuffle board w/ some of the guys apres- and won both games. :0) Torchy's is kind of a scary place, I have to say. Two of the guys with us are gay, and some lovely lady named "Sharon Peters" offered to fuck them all for a drink. Then she grabbed the one straight guy's crotch and told me I was "shit-out-a-luck". A gentleman named Randy who was recently released from Mays County prison came over to show us his new tatoos- but I was deeply disappointed to see that he was wearing Crocs. He told one of the more flamboyant members of our group that "Gays is welcome 'round here". We were not sure if that was a pick-up line or not. Prison+Crocs+Welcoming Gays=Me thinks Randy maybe a more than a little bi-curious. I just hope he has resolved the issue that got him into prison...whatever it was.
Well, I am going to get my kiddos ready for bed. I cannot wait to call Sarah and inform her that I got an e-mail back from Brian and he said many sweet things about her. Peace.
Well, it turns out the protests were almost in perkins. So you didn't really miss anything.
Did he say anything about her breasts? They are big.
So you can't wear croc's at Torchy's?? And why were you at Torchy's? I hope you have a great story about a kidnapping and a crack deal. Where you ended up at Trochy's. Anything else is just sad.PG
Well, Mark... Nope. I'm still coming up with nothing. Sorry, I just can't be clever anymore- I'm on summer vacation now.
Hey PG- what's wrong with Torchy's? Do you have something against it? Is that why you never hang out with us anymore? You should know that G and I are there every weekend. Anyway, we don't have to go to Torchy's for crack, the house across the street from mine is like a drive-thru, remember?
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