I just want to send a
thank you shout out to these two lovely ladies (and of course Isabelle ) for their support over the past several months. Now that my decision is final, my family is still less than supportive, (a tad angry in fact) but I know I have made the right decision. I also know that if I had settled and gone to
TU, I would have had these two to answer to, and that was motivation for me to really do what I should do. I would not have been able to defend my motives nor justify actually going to law school if that had happened. I owe you both so much, and I want to thank you. I am sure I will need your services in the years to come as well... so I will thank you in advance.
As for Isabelle, you are adorable and I hope one day you will look at the wildly successful women around you and know that you are capable of great things. But or now, just be cute and hopefully you will learn to pee-pee in the potty without a lot of accidents. Happy Thursday.
~gPS I know this is not the best pic, but Mark is not the best photographer- so I have to work with what I have.... the story of my life.
Aww.. you made me cry. That's no way to thank me! I couldn't have gotten through the last two and a half years without your constant love and support. What would I have done the night I got the boys without you to bring me a diaper and go to Wal-Mart with me? How about all the nights I cried over possibly having to send the kids back to their biological mom? And when their adoption was finalized you were as happy as I was. All the encouragement I've had from you to stick with school? And then there's the entire last year. I can't imagine having done all this without you beside me every step. You are an amazing friend and you are doing exactly what you are meant to do. This is absolutely the right choice for you AND for your family. I'm proud and I love you.
P.S. Isabelle does look cute, doesn't she?
I am always here if you need to lean on me. Women are by far the superior sex and I am so fortunate to know so many with very big goals and very little fear. I have learned that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to, even if I can't pee-pee in the potty just yet.
Dos rien. I don't even feel like I did anything. It has been great to reconnect with you (and Sarah and Isabelle) after my self-imposed social Siberia of law school. I so agree with your comments in an earlier post about the feeling of warmth and contentment that comes from spending time with old friends--no matter how infrequently you get to do it. For the record, you (and Mark) have always been an inspiration to me (and us) too. You've always seemed better at enjoying the moment--I sometimes get lost in my drive for what's next or more, etc. I hope I can continue to shed light on the unknown (re law school) over the next few years, and I'm sure I'll be asking for your guidance when I finally tackle parenthood--a subject you have gracefully mastered. I made some great friends in law school and out here in L.A., and its always nice to get a different perspective on things--but Scot and I haven't met anyone that comes close to the great friends we made in Tulsa (whether they're still there or not) with whom we share a background and bond that is really unapproachable by anyone else. So my thanks to you.
my real forte is female nudes.
by the way no shout outs to me?
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