So my family doesn't really think I have really decided to go to law school. They think they can change my mind, or decide for me what I should do. For example, at lunch at my mom's today, Janet leans back, eyes squinted and says (in a very condescending manner), "So Gretchen, why don't you just go to TU and see if you really like law school, before you move? I mean, you might hate it. That way, you can stay here and not have to worry about Mark finding a job." I kindly explained to her that the $13,000 difference in scholarships between WELS and TU was a factor, but I intended to go to law school to get a degree- not to "try it out". Plus we
want to move! I have accepted the fact that I will be getting no support from them, but I do wish they would give me an ounce of credit. C'est la vie, non?
PS This is one of Scot's prints. See more at
http://www.losergoes1st.comI noticed he added some new stuff. LOVE IT!!
A good lawyer never lets the opposition frame the argument.
Start now
It's all about your hair and nails.
the law is an ass and I just laugh laugh laugh all the way to the bank.
I'm doin' fine
la vie , la loo, la maison bleu
Gotta love family. They always feel it's their right to add their two cents in. I'm with Spanky, have as little to do with them as possible. When they start up just smile and say thanks for the suggestion, but next time ask if I want it.
Um, I guess someone stole LA Law from me...anyway, having someone say "try it, in case you hate it" is stupid. Everyone hates law school (while they're in it), and law school is only for three years, you are a lawyer for the rest of your career. You are doing the right thing. TU is only worth it if you know you are going to stay in OK for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. And you clearly don't want to do that.
And, again, thanks for showing Scot's work. His next show is March 10th and there's going to be a full catalog and everything...I'll keep you posted.
thanks for the props, g. new work is on the way shortly, i'll be posting it on the site in the upcoming weeks as a preview to the group show "survival of the fittest" at the harmony gallery in hollywood. please tell yur husband to email me back so that we can discuss shoe addictions.
thanks lisa and scot. spanker& spankee- i don't think cutting myself off from my family is a very wise way to handle it. i can be more mature than my mom.
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