Heading to Chelsea...

So we have officially (but not legally) found a new place to live. It is in the lovely town of Chelsea. I say lovely, but I don't really know... Never been there, but I assume it is lovely. In fact, we have no pictures of the house, either. Balls to the wall, as they say- right Sarah?
This is a photo of the k-12 school my children will be attending. I think there are 236 students- total. In fact the town has around 1250 inhabitants. Yes, they will have to change the pop. sign when we roll into town. Here is a link to the town's website. Go ahead and explore and then let me know if you see anything cool. http://www.chelseavt.org/
I sent Mark to welcome my mom and sister from Italy. Their plane was delayed and not getting in until 11:50PM. They gonna be tye-reed.
Well, guess I should prepare for bed, it is going to be another FULL day. At least we have A/C again.
I'm tired of packing.
made it to VT yet?
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