A Christmas ghost story....

La legende de St. Nicholas...
Three young children went to gather grain in the fields. At evening, they came to a butcher's cottage, "Butcher, may we stay with you?" Come in, come in, young children. This is the right place for you." As soon as they came inside the butcher murdered them. He put them in a salting tub, cut in small pieces, just like pork. St. Nicolas, after seven years, to the cottage came, "Butcher, would you like for me to stay with you?" Come in, come in, Saint Nicolas. This is the place for you." As soon as he came inside, St. Nicholas asked for supper. Would you like a piece of ham? "I do not want any, it is not good." "Would you like a piece of veal?" "I do not want any, it does not appeal. "This salting tub has what I want- seven years it's been in the salting tub." Butcher, butcher, do not run, repent, God will forgive you." Saint Nicholas put three fingers on the edge of the salting tub. The first child, "I have been sleeping." the second child, " me, too." And the third, "I have been in paradise."
This is why he was made a saint. All around Euroupe, they celebrate St. Nick day on Dec. 6. Kids will get candy, people will buy cards...all because of this strange and gruesome story.... I'm alright with it. This is what my students are learning about, in fact. (We read it in French- it's even weirder) Candy is welcome.
A +tard.
i remember hearing that story in class last year and making christmas cards and singing carols. your class will always be the best french class i ever took, thanks mrs oldham
I like this story more then the Christian one. Very cool.
Go to Vosse's site and listen to that old school rap song he has a link too...some friends of ours made it...very very funny!
merci. je deteste cette classe.
Did St Nick eat their fingers ?
I'm sorry about that thing the other day while you weren't looking but I've been wanting to stay after school with you ever since I saw your dimple when you smile.
My christmas dream is to be in your class forvefre.
Thanks mrs lualu
Le professeur, me donnent une fessée et m'alimentent la viande de porc
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