feliz navidad

To add to my bonheur, I received a nice Christmas greeting from Amélie par e-mail this morning, and the doll I had ordered for Chloe (that was on backorder) arrived at my mom's yesterday. Hastings sent me a message confirming that they had received my ap, and even gave me an account number to check my status. Not an admittance, but recognition is good.
Two days ago, I received a box of Godiva chocolates in the mail from a parent of one of the girls I took to France last summer. I love random acts of kindness.
Speaking of France, I met with parents on Tue. about next year's trip- it looks like I'll have 3 from Sapulpa. Which means 11 students total. I'm getting excited.
We have our teacher pot-luck luncheon today. It's bar-b-que. So, I am going to run home to make a salad (it's my planning period right now) so I'll have something to put on my plate. Have a very merry morning and a happy afternoon.
It is supposed to snow tonight.
Your salad looks strangly store bought. Is this the same santa on a bike we saw on monday in Tulsa? He seems to have picked up a dog.
well, i went home and the pickings were slim. so i spent too much money on a deviled egg potoato salad that i probably won't even eat. thanks for rubbing it in. i'm having one of those hightened sensory days. it's nice. i can't explain it, but it's good.
yeah X normally does that
it wasn't x. it was my cold medicine. and we don't call it x- we call it e. duh. i'm sad i didn't get more of a response from the santa w/ dog on a bike pic. tough crowd- tough crowd.
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