Although I am still not well, I am in a good spirits. Maybe it's the Tylenol cold, but I feel all cozy inside. Snow is still on the ground and it is bitterly cold outside (-2), but my classroom is warm. My students are making holiday cards in French for teachers while we listen to Carla. I missed breakfast at home, but the cafeteria stayed open late, so I scored a plate of biscuits and gravy. (sans meat) I just sent my grades for the week, and now I get to finalize my Christmas list, pay some bills, and send my Hastings ap. (finally) Today, I am going to Tulsa to get Dylan's med. It's a special compound cream that we had to get through an apocathary shop. I hope it works. Then off to speech/occupational therapy and finally the store. Caleb has a show at 8 tonight and Mark will be at work, so I will brave the traffic and ice sans help. (Chloe, Dylan, and Liam aren't much help in the way of pushing the van, though it might be fun to try) It's another busy weekend ahead, especially with the new job. Mark's birthday is on Sunday, so I hope he's off. (hint hint Ryan) Sat., Liam has a friend's b.day party and he's sooo excited. I hope he's well. Poor kid, he has had so much trouble lately with his asthma. It scares me when he can't breathe. I think no matter how old he gets, I'll always be extra cautious with him. He will always be the one who almost died. Sat. night, I think we're going to the annual bunko Christmas party. yip-wee. I'll try to have a good attitude. And Sunday, we are all going to Caleb's show and celebrating the b.day boy apres. busy busy. I think I'll pay Brandi a visit tonight. But now, my tea is cold...
ps i'll always love rothko
i wish i had antony here with me.
Tell Brandi hello! I haven't spoken to her in so long. She won't talk to me anymore. I don't miss her tho. She was such a bitch to me.
Now I have a running conversation with coffee, tea, and always my best friend since childhood Pop!
i don't think you know brandi. i'll tell her you said hi, tho- but i'll leave out the bitch part.
i really have a friend named bradi, btw
Hey Brandi you so fine
So fine...gonna make you mine
Take you out in your finest threads
Dine you, wine you
I can't define you
You ain't no bitch
And you ain't no witch
I won't tell our secret
Cause I ain't no snitch
But it got to do with Saturday night
Comin in at 4:30
Looking like a fright
Taking pop, coffee and tea
But not ME!
great, so..uh how are you?
Did you mean Brandi from Booker T.? I can't remember her last name, but she was always a bitch to me too. I don't think she ever would talk to me.
She not our bitch.
no sarah, i mean brandi, the wrestling widow. i am going to see her because you, my friend have finals to study for. but may i come by apres school?
what is going on sat at 4:30? eh?
You would like to know wouldn't you. Only those who know the way of Spank can know what happens at 4:30. Care to join us?
And Sarah, I keep trying to remember the Brandi you're talking about...what year did she grad?
nope, i'm cool. thanks, though. whatever it is, i hope you are well and i hope you have a good weekend. apparently it is all top seceret, though. hehe hehe
nope, i'm cool. thanks, though. whatever it is, i hope you are well and i hope you have a good weekend. apparently it is all top seceret, though. hehe hehe
I think '92, maybe '93.
Yes babe, you can come by after school, we'll have our 4:30 party a day early.
Now this is new information...you and sarah do your own little 4:30 party...naughty girls!
Hey, have a good weekend too. What show is Caleb in again?
a christmas story- he plays flick. the kid who gets his tongue stuck to the poll. sarah- i'm on my way.
I knew he was in that...but, I thought he or was it you in a different play this season? Hmmmm? Now you and Sarah have fuN!!!!
I think you might be talking about Brandi Shell. She was a total bitch and she and I had a post-high school rivalry. Had something to do with Scot. Anyway, she graduated in '92, drove a yellow VW cabriolet in high school, I think. Anyway, she has a baby and lives in Hawaii--married some stoner dude who's parents have a hotel there or something.
YES! That's exactly who I was talking about. My memory has always been fuzzier than yours.
I KNEW you'd say something about my memory!
God, my memory is nothing...I have no idea who you're talking about and that's the year I graduated. Jeeez, what is up with that. I sort of remember the car, but that it.
Did she have long blonde hair?
whats sad is I just read all the comments and know nothing of which you speak. Another great Sat night...
She did have long blond hair. She was a back-parking lot person. And she was a Zaller artist, not a Stilley artist. She was pretty enough, but I don't think she socialized with high-schoolers much even when she was one. I think she was always dating older guys and WAY too cool for any of us yahoos. She and Scot only became friends at TU. And she was one of those girls who was only friends with guys. Girls without girlfriends canNOT be trusted. Umm, I'm not her biggest fan. Even 12 years later.
This is just horrible. I was a back parking lot girl and a Zaller artist and I still no not of what you speak...wait, I'm going to go digging in the closet to find the yearbook. I'll be back.
OHHHHHHHH!!!! I'm back and HOLY SHIT! I remember her. She was soooo skinny...really long long blonde hair. I don't remember not liking her...actually I met her in 9th grade gym and we got on fine. We were never friends, but I never had anything against her, but I remember a lot of people did tho. She was not liked. And I could totally see how she was mean to people.
Wow, she went after your man! Some people from High School never leave. You know I lived with Kristen Spencer in college...Gretchen can tell you about that. Lord OH lord! The only good thing she ever did was introduce me to my husband. Whom she had a huge crush on and hated me for dating.
Ryan, today is Friday. I wish I knew what happened to my yearbooks.
wow y'all been busy up in huhr. driving in tulsa sucked ass.
ryan ,why aren't you at work? sarah, why aren't you studying? i can't wait to tell brandi (sapulpa 94 grad) about the conversation she got started. what about boys w/ out boyfriends? can they be trusted? or are they just pathetic... or gay?
d- i was in a play back in october- it was called a curious savage. there were no kids involved. :0)
sarah is the bacon good to go?
I'll be making it tomorrow. Is it Ok to talk about bacon on a vegetarian's blog? Maybe we should move over to Mark's.
Any boy without a boyfriend...totally gay girl. Soooo gay. And yes! Thank you ....I knew you were in a play earlier. Do you record these plays...on video. I never get a chance to see them and I wanna. Bring on the tapes!
Looks like I am the most popular girl in the book. I don't refer to myself as a BITCH, but maybe I am. I do claim the call as #2 Bitch. I would like to meet the blonde haired bitch.
Brandi #2 Bitch...it is good to meet you.
Ya canna be crrruel ta me
You canna send me on the low road.
I'll kick your Ass in Brigaddoon
Deep in the night ona murky brae.
Brandi stole knick knacks from my trailer every day of shooting.
But I win - my breast implants are bigger better and more expensive then hers.
Ain't nuffin good as er used to be
I just adore Brandi nombre cinque. She has the best shoes and always
gives me her old eyeliner.
My wife thinks I go to the freemasons every tuesday night but instead I am at Brandi's puttin on a brand new face puttin on a brand new me thatnks to Braaaannndeeeeee
Mr. Lucas,
Sir I have a storm brewing in my head. I was curious about your next movie...you know the one about the dog barking. Not like Son of Sam, but a dog that just won't stop barking. Like in the OJ case. Well, I have the perfect score in mind for it.
And I'll send you notes soon. But, oops...it's time for me to spank my houseboy.
Ta Ta
Dear Everone who Makers Movies,
That Godless fruit John Williams, is essentially advertising on this comment board. Something my in-law would never do.
Though he and my husband and I are very busy today recruiting for Scientology on Rodeo Drive, we are shocked and dissapointed that you would allow that Pansy to stick his nose so far up George's ass in what should be a place for reflection.
Thanks , Johnny, for the heads up. But this weekend I've got every pro-domme in the bay area at my catholic schoolgirls christmas party -- so
Felice Navidad and we'll talk soon.
And Jenna - I love ya - Give Danny a big hug and happy haueka or whatever it is you and steve and the other Jews celevrate.
Lach-Hime I think is what you say.
O-- Sister Mary is here with the first girl to be chastised.
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