Come on Baby don't say a Word...

It was such a relief to unload the van at the goodwill drop-off tonight. After cleaning out my closet, the kids closets, and the kitchen cabinets, I needed it to be GONE (now). Slowly, little by little, we will get to the point where I will finally be comfortable with the level of crap in the house. maybe.
Tonight, I decided that my resume is incomplete. For there is no mention of my hair cutting skills (I gave 3 haircuts today), my short-order cooking abilities (i made 5 different dinners tonight) , or my get down and funky dancing talents (I'm ALWAYS tearing it up). Maybe, if I get in, (as a display of gratitude) I will offer to cut their hair, make them dinner, then proceed to cut a rug. Those are all imperative skills in the legal community, so I hear. (eh? LA law?)
2 MORE WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS BREAK! (was that too loud? sorry.)
There is a sign in town that reads, "Santa Claus is a myth. Jesus Christ is real." That makes me really angry. First of all, it's not true. Santa was a person (St. Nick and Kris Kringle existed) just as much as Jesus. Plus, my 6 year old daughter (who can read) strongly believes in the existance of Santa. She would be crushed to read that on a sign. Or, she would say, "They are getting coal in their stocking." ( I heard her tell that to a friend who questioned the existance of Santa) Anywho- it's wrong. Just like the little boy I saw pissing on his little sister in the Wal-mart parking lot yesterday. A demain, mes amis.
PS I love Elliot. I hope he found peace. His tribute album is out. I also want the thumbsucker soundtrack. check it out.
why did he change his name from steve to Elliott ?
Santa is a friend of mine
He paints my lips with turpentine
He wipes my robe with everclear
And spans the globe with 8 tiny reindeer.
Beware all thee who puts him down
When Book-of-Revelations Jesus comes to town
Santa's my buddy. So get a grip
Lest I sic on ye those for Horsemen of the Apolcalypse.
I'm with Chloe and we've got lots of coal
So never diss Santa if you value your soul
who changed his name? elliot smith and steve burns aren't the same person, in that's what you mean. steve is still alive, for starters.
Ok I found the answer to the steve smith question on google
he started calling himself elliott in middle school because he thought steve was like a jock name.
Good thing this decision flew under chuck norris's radar.
who deleted the comments?
the lead singer of polyphonic was the guy from "tripping daisies", a local band. i'm pretty sure they are from here, if not texas. i dig 'em. they are no chainsaw kitten, tho. right, D?
to quote my friend Truman Capote,
"I pitch but I don't catch."
Ima only saying this once.
Don't be a smartass
Deleted embarrassing typos in versions of the post to tell you about the frenchy post you already answered though now I have answered your answer.
true story, he's a local. i do adore bowie, but he looks kind of odd these days. personally, i'm a ziggy stardust girl. have you heard the soundtrack to life aquatic? it's all bowie covers by this gorgeous portugese singer.
tu as une reponse.
I remember having to wait for the spree to pass in front of us at acl. all lined up walking in a row, very odd
I just took six big bags down to goodwill on Saturday with Vosse. It was hard, but I'm stoked now. Time to buy more!!!
I just can't stand them. Those stupid robes and all that feel good beatles rip off songs.
Oh and by the way, Dia already knows this, I tend to despise soundtracks.
and submarines
and ALL MOVIES that Don't have Chuck Norris
I do have to agree and disagree. I didn't like the hippie dippie wanna be feel of the robe wearers. Even tho they are from my home state. Truthfully Color me Bad came from oklahoma too and I hate them also. I do disagree with the soundtrack. I am a huge fan of the soundtracks...they are nice little mix cds. Good songs. Seems like artists these days only create one good song. So it's easier then buying the whole damn cd.
you all and your ideas. so closed minded, yet so full of shit. i'm gonna decide that I hate all bands who wear pink. that pink girl already did that. oh and i don't like bands who sound like the beatles? well, that means you like 3 bands. and they are all country. who doesn't like soundtracks? not because bandds only make one good song, but because of what they add to a movie. the emotion and memories evoked my music is unmatched by any visual stimulation from a movie. if we are making blanket statements, i'll go ahead and say all movies are dumb. and cell phones are going to be the demise of our species.
I totally believe that cell phones are going to be our demise too!
fuck movies
pink cvell phones with ringtones that evoke poignant moments in film are the only way to go
clearly, you are way too hard to please. take your movies, your billly idol, & musical scores. you can have it. face it- no matter how good something is- according to you,it will never be as good as it used to be. i have no problem with john williams or danny elfman. i think they are the only 2 living composers today.
It's good to be hard to please...knocks out all the bullshit that's out there. Cause there is a ton of it!
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