After seeing the boy with the Christmas colored mohawk hanging out of the mustang, Lloyd wiped a lone tear and thought to himself, "Jesus truly is the reason for the season. Thank God I live in the best place on earth, where camels, doon buggies, and sugarplum fairies can gather in one place to celebrate this magical time. God bless America."
If this were in San Francisco...that would have been a man in the tutu having sex with the man in the camoflauge as their adopted love children fought over the candy.
I am the christmas mohawk child I satisfy your daily hydration needs love me fuck me Merry Christmas!
it makes you so proud, you know. this is sapulpa, land of the camo- and home of the camels. i need a moment. this is such a special time. it makes me ask myself, "what WOULD jesus do?" clearly, ne would ride a kick ass harley with an american flag attached to the back, mary magceleine clutching tightly at his waist, and he would gather toys for tots. those marines, gotta love 'em. they're doing it for the kids.
Maybe I shouldn't have missed the parade for the first time in three years. Well... no, that's ok. The photos are enough. By the way, I'd like to clarify something- I Don't go to church at all, much less on Wednesdays. Josh, Caleb (mine not G's), and Chloe Do go with my mom and I Did drive them this week. The kids like the brainwashing because the church bribes them with toys. I often have to remind Josh that I don't agree with what he is taught at grandma's church and that he has to make up his own mind when he's a little older. Caleb's really too little to think about it much yet.
I'm glad my kids go to church right now with my mom. I don't want them to be totally ignorant of religion as I was growing up. No one ever took me to church and I couldn't have an intelligent conversation about Christianity until I was in my twenties. My kids will be able to have a conversation and know what they are talking about. Hopefully, teaching them what I believe at the same time that they are learning what others believe, will give them an open mind and the ability to make their own, more informed, decisions.
It's hard to defend a position if you don't know anything about the views other people hold. In this country, unfortunately, political decisions are often based on Christian ideals. I want my kids to be able to separate the religion from the morality AND be able to defend their viewpoints.
Wow! That is quite a response. I didn't realize that I needed to give you the details of how I try to teach my children to be open minded- but since you seem to want to know- I do depend on 'little talks' with them at home. How else are they going to hear other viewpoints? Talking to children is usually a smart thing to do. Every time the subject of religion comes up I Do try to give them as many viewpoints as possible. I remind them that this is the bible belt, and that the predominant view we are surrounded by here is not shared by everyone in the country, much less the world. I don't think that the only important faith based conversations are about Christianity, but they do have an opportunity right now to learn about Christianity, and I don't see anything wrong with that. By the way, if you don't want to believe that Christianity has a lot of power in this country, go on living in that fantasy land, but I'd rather my children be more informed. My parents didn't ever talk about any religion in my home, and as a result, I too, was curious. I learned about Jehovah's Witnesses from my aunt, Baptists from my friend Tara, Ba'hai from my friend Carrie, Unitarians from Susanna, Christian Scientists from Lisa, etc. Every time I went to church with someone I'd get really excited about whatever flavor they were teaching at that church- until I learned more and realized that I couldn't agree with enough of their beliefs to consider myself one of them. When Josh and Caleb are invited by their friends to other churches, of course I will allow them to take the opportunity to find out more. Meanwhile, I will use 'little talks' at home to teach them what I know. Caleb is four. It doesn't hurt him to go. He has a lot of fun and I don't see any reason to let Josh go and not him. He's too young to be forming his adult decisions, but not too young to be gaining knowledge that he will use later. I agree that he is at an impressionable age, I don't think that ends at three, despite whatever statistic you are quoting. You should know, that Josh spouts a lot more 'facts' about God that he hears from his friends at school, than he hears at church Wednesday nights. Once again, this is the bible belt, and almost everyone he is surrounded by nine hours per day, attends some form of Christian church. Caleb too, is surrounded by friends and teachers who are almost all Christian, and go to church Wednesday's for the fun stuff AND Sunday's for the preaching. I'm glad that they both get a little knowledge straight from the source. I've also found that Josh comes home with questions he probably wouldn't have otherwise asked me- meaning that I'm provided more opportunities to expand my kids horizons, not fewer. This is something I've thought about a lot. It is not a concession to grandma. Grandma knows that when the kids come home I often dissect the things they've learned and make Josh and Caleb think rather than just regurgitate words. Next time you're in Tulsa, feel free to invite my kids to Temple with you. Maybe I'll come too- that's one I haven't gone to since third grade.
how can you say there is no such thing as an intelligent debate on christianity? we aren't all toothless mindless bible thumpers. why can't it be discussed intelligently? what is it about the subject matter that lends it to unintelligent discussion, exactly? it can be discussed as intelligently as any religion, i would can you make such a stereotype? that's as bad as saying if you don't say this, you are going to hell.
If this were in San Francisco...that would have been a man in the tutu having sex with the man in the camoflauge as their adopted love children fought over the candy.
I am the christmas mohawk child
I satisfy your daily hydration needs
love me
fuck me
Merry Christmas!
See you tomorrow night in Hell!!!
Thumpa Thumpa
Rumpa Rumpa
My tires tower over you
And they dumpa Dumpa
my wrath upon those who are at war with Christmas
Thank You! And God Bless!
it makes you so proud, you know. this is sapulpa, land of the camo- and home of the camels. i need a moment. this is such a special time. it makes me ask myself, "what WOULD jesus do?" clearly, ne would ride a kick ass harley with an american flag attached to the back, mary magceleine clutching tightly at his waist, and he would gather toys for tots. those marines, gotta love 'em. they're doing it for the kids.
excuse my typos, it's late. you get the point.
Yeah Baby
Maybe I shouldn't have missed the parade for the first time in three years. Well... no, that's ok. The photos are enough.
By the way, I'd like to clarify something- I Don't go to church at all, much less on Wednesdays. Josh, Caleb (mine not G's), and Chloe Do go with my mom and I Did drive them this week. The kids like the brainwashing because the church bribes them with toys. I often have to remind Josh that I don't agree with what he is taught at grandma's church and that he has to make up his own mind when he's a little older. Caleb's really too little to think about it much yet.
Never Ever EVER let your kids go to church! Bad idea!
Get the behind me and make me scream like a chicken
a howlin saphire
I second that about church and about Robin Williams. He's done one too many patch adams movies for my taste. He is dead to me now.
And so is Jesus.
I'm glad my kids go to church right now with my mom. I don't want them to be totally ignorant of religion as I was growing up. No one ever took me to church and I couldn't have an intelligent conversation about Christianity until I was in my twenties. My kids will be able to have a conversation and know what they are talking about. Hopefully, teaching them what I believe at the same time that they are learning what others believe, will give them an open mind and the ability to make their own, more informed, decisions.
There is no intelligent conversation about Christianity.
It's hard to defend a position if you don't know anything about the views other people hold. In this country, unfortunately, political decisions are often based on Christian ideals. I want my kids to be able to separate the religion from the morality AND be able to defend their viewpoints.
I want to get in on this conversation too but it is way ober my head.
Justin and I only talk about where to eat and shopping.
caneron? The stupid bitch can't even spell herr own name
I go to church every Sunday. Caerooon doesn't like it. She only partakes in communion that's because it's her food for the week.
Wow! That is quite a response. I didn't realize that I needed to give you the details of how I try to teach my children to be open minded- but since you seem to want to know- I do depend on 'little talks' with them at home. How else are they going to hear other viewpoints? Talking to children is usually a smart thing to do. Every time the subject of religion comes up I Do try to give them as many viewpoints as possible. I remind them that this is the bible belt, and that the predominant view we are surrounded by here is not shared by everyone in the country, much less the world. I don't think that the only important faith based conversations are about Christianity, but they do have an opportunity right now to learn about Christianity, and I don't see anything wrong with that. By the way, if you don't want to believe that Christianity has a lot of power in this country, go on living in that fantasy land, but I'd rather my children be more informed.
My parents didn't ever talk about any religion in my home, and as a result, I too, was curious. I learned about Jehovah's Witnesses from my aunt, Baptists from my friend Tara, Ba'hai from my friend Carrie, Unitarians from Susanna, Christian Scientists from Lisa, etc. Every time I went to church with someone I'd get really excited about whatever flavor they were teaching at that church- until I learned more and realized that I couldn't agree with enough of their beliefs to consider myself one of them. When Josh and Caleb are invited by their friends to other churches, of course I will allow them to take the opportunity to find out more. Meanwhile, I will use 'little talks' at home to teach them what I know.
Caleb is four. It doesn't hurt him to go. He has a lot of fun and I don't see any reason to let Josh go and not him. He's too young to be forming his adult decisions, but not too young to be gaining knowledge that he will use later. I agree that he is at an impressionable age, I don't think that ends at three, despite whatever statistic you are quoting. You should know, that Josh spouts a lot more 'facts' about God that he hears from his friends at school, than he hears at church Wednesday nights. Once again, this is the bible belt, and almost everyone he is surrounded by nine hours per day, attends some form of Christian church. Caleb too, is surrounded by friends and teachers who are almost all Christian, and go to church Wednesday's for the fun stuff AND Sunday's for the preaching. I'm glad that they both get a little knowledge straight from the source. I've also found that Josh comes home with questions he probably wouldn't have otherwise asked me- meaning that I'm provided more opportunities to expand my kids horizons, not fewer.
This is something I've thought about a lot. It is not a concession to grandma. Grandma knows that when the kids come home I often dissect the things they've learned and make Josh and Caleb think rather than just regurgitate words.
Next time you're in Tulsa, feel free to invite my kids to Temple with you. Maybe I'll come too- that's one I haven't gone to since third grade.
how can you say there is no such thing as an intelligent debate on christianity? we aren't all toothless mindless bible thumpers. why can't it be discussed intelligently? what is it about the subject matter that lends it to unintelligent discussion, exactly? it can be discussed as intelligently as any religion, i would can you make such a stereotype? that's as bad as saying if you don't say this, you are going to hell.
But christians are all toothless...c'mon, now!
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