
thanks lisa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Bradangelina! Nice work! Been Christmas shopping tonight and I came home with nothing and then did it all online. I hate the mall!

11:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We welcome all shoppers with open arms.
Have you visited our food court ?
Perhaps you needed carbs and protein \. We want you to come back and look in our pre-wrapped clothing and predigested pre-wraped fruit cake display. We aim to make your shopping experience a pleasure.
Over here we also heard that Ms.Dia recently celebrated 4 YEARS sober !!!

11:42 AM  
Blogger lua said...

i agree...i avoid 'em, too-overcrowded & overpiced. sally's here, but i'm escaping to brandi's w/ sarah to drink wine and eat chocolate cake for our intimate x-mas fete. maybe em will join us? i wanna come eat crepes... maybe at your 5 year b.day? love you.

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell Brandi hello! That bitch! Come eat crepes! Love you too baby!

7:47 PM  
Blogger lua said...

why is he holding a thing of honey? did you notice max's shirt says team aniston? what a rebel.

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you remember the honey bear bong from true romance? I think that's what they're trying to get across.

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eat my farts - they are dense enough

12:21 PM  
Blogger lua said...

i didn't see that movie. i do love the sweater, though. and angelina's smile.

12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should see that movie. Seriously, very cool. Early Slater...post Pump up the Volume. Still hot and not yet a wife beater.

1:23 PM  
Blogger lua said...

oh right- was patricia arquette in it? and her name was alabama? brad wasn't in that was he? that was a quentin t. movie, yeah? i can't remember well.

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brad was in it. He played a stoner who smoked out of a honey bear bong. All he did was sit on the couch. Very funny.

5:20 PM  
Blogger lua said...

was chris penn in it, too?

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, he was a cop.

9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long hair...backward baseball cap. Remember him sitting on the couch...he was the roommate of the guy slater and arquette stayed with in hollywood. Remember the bad guys came over looking for slater and the money to brad's apt. and he was sooooo stoned that the bad guys didn't kill him. Brad told him where his roommate and slater was and he stuttered and mumbled and was sooo freakin high they just laughed and left him alive. Good scene.

3:05 PM  
Blogger lua said...

i don't remember it either- but mark confirms your story. you all have a gift. i remeber birthdays- but you all remember random movie scenes- and song lyrics.

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should trust my movie knowledge...no need for Mark's confirmation. My word is gold. I spank anyone's ass on movie trivia!

9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are the one who should try and be well.

1:07 PM  
Blogger lua said...

no you should. no she should.
why bother with calendars anymore? what is time, but gaps between spanking right? dec. 26th, 27th, in the big picture, does any of it really matter? don't forget to enjoy your shits -for it may be your last. why don't doctors spank babies anymore? don't they know it is the only thing worth anything in this world before we die and then turn to dust?
i went to a funeral today (family friend). yesterday dylan's case worker died. both young women. both sudden. i hate funerals in general. don't want one. they played bridge over troubled water at the one today. take my organs and throw a party. someone will need to call people for mark, because he will be expecting me to call people to tell them i am dead, but i won't. i think about death a lot, but mostly about songs to play at my party or worrying about my kids dying. i don't think i will live very long. yet, i don't know if i'm worthy of dying young. death is very simple, i think. alright, i'm off to deliver my shit to the salvation army. humbug.

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't want to die young. I want to live as long as I can. I want to see Matt as an old man. I want to be the hippest grandma in town taking my grandkids to concerts and getting them their first tattoos.

Sorry to hear about Dylan's case worker. Sad to die young. There's so much more to be done in this life. Who knows maybe we do come back and can do it all over again. I hope so. It would be nice to reconnect and have more memories. Maybe later we can all be Buddas

4:15 PM  
Blogger lua said...

no thanks. i've seen people get old and not want to live anymore, but yet they do. it's not pretty. i want to go with dignity. like seinfeld. i still believe in heaven by the way- no buddas for me. i have no desire to come back here. i don't really worry about whether or not i'll see mark grow old, because i believe we will spend eternity together. i believe my children and grandchildren will be happy and prosperous whether i am here or not. of course, i would like to be a part of their lives, but that is no reason to hang on if my time here is up.

7:10 PM  
Blogger lua said...

ok. first of all, i resent being called a whiner. i am a very happy person. i am honest with myself and my feelings. i don't plan to take my life and i have not lost my grip. i just don't want to stat too long. there's no magic in living a really long life. i don't want to be on a machine, i don't want to forget the names of my children, and i don't want my grandkids wiping my ass. i also find it interesting that you seem to want to put me in a box with all christians. if you want to believe that i have it all figured out in my head, and i trully believe in some kind of warped segregated heaven- then go right ahead. you know me better than i do. someday, when i can look you in the eye, i will try to explain what i believe. please don't try to put words in my mouth or beliefs in my heart before then. besides, what i believe is just that- it's mine. i never said a word about what anyone else believes. if i were clever enough, i would answer with a clever poem- but i'm not. i write what i'm thinking as it comes to me. that's how i work. if my statements earlier seemed vulerable or uncomfortable to you, that was because that was how i felt. i am human. i have feelings that come and go. i am honest. if i said i love life everyday and it's always funny and perfect- i would be a sick, lying motherfucker. how's that for a tizzy?

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally want my grandkids to wipe my ass! Fuck yeah! I wanna drool and shit and have them deal with it!

10:03 PM  
Blogger lua said...

speaking from experience, i really don't think you want that. it isn't as glamorous as it seems. give me something quick and painless. and dignified.

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, when it's time to go we go, until then I just wanna live life to the fullest. I wanna experience it all and love love love. I feel like heaven is in the here and now. All we have is the present. I don't wanna live my life thinking about the end. I wanna think about right now. I don't know if there's a heaven...it's a nice idea, but I have no idea. And I know I don't want to count on something I'm not sure of. What I am sure of is the here and now. It's good to plan and definitely let your loved ones know what you want. And if you don't want them to throw you a funeral then that's what they'll do. If you want a party then that's that. I love that idea.

I love and hate funerals. They give us a chance to mourn and say goodbye. A sense of closure. At least that's how I feel about them. I get the opportunity to openly weep with those who feel the same as I do. I get to laugh and share stories about that person. I know I need that. But, no open casket. That's too weird. I don't want my last memory for people to be that one. Burn me and scatter me.

I see what your saying. And I have seen what happens when you get old and can't fend for yourself. I've seen the pain it causes those around you. Anyway you die will be tough and I do think you can be old and feeble and die with dignity.

There's so much about our golden years that can be a blessing. So much we can give thru our wisdom. So much we can pass on. I would hate to miss that.

Who knows what's gonna happen...that's the beauty of it all. The future is a total mistery. I like that. I love you girl. I hope to know you when we are old and can laugh about all the silly things we worried about when we were young.

11:23 PM  
Blogger lua said...

i agree with most of what you say. i love you, too. i think about a lot of things. when you have chidren- you can't help but be in awe of life and when you see someone die-death. i don't sit around and stare at a wall and think about death- but life isn't all butterflies and roses. i wouldn't want it to be. that doesn't mean i am unhappy. i am honest with my thoughts and feelings. for me,living life to it's fullest doesn't mean everything is always perfect- it means living- feeling - allowing myself to explore my emotions- good and bad. i went to a funeral yesterday. it made me think about things. i share that and suddenly i am a whiner in a suicidal tizzie. i want to spend all the time i can with my kids of course, but i don't want to burden them as adults. if i can live to be 99 and be on my own- fine. but longevity, to me, isn't that important. personally, i do believe in heaven. but i don't depend on that idea for anything except comfort that my loved ones are no longer in pain.and yes, i do rely on my faith sometimes.and i don't feel i should have to defend that to people who accept me and care for me.

8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not asking you to defend yourself. I accept your views and what you believe. And I never said life was all butterflies and roses. I don't for a second believe life is perfect and what is perfect? Maybe perfect is having good and bad...exploring all our feelings. But, even in bad looking at the good that we can gain from it. Living life to the fullest is experiencing both...taking the hard times and the fun. But taking it all with the notion that this is life and life is wonderful. I learn more from the hard times then anything else. It's in those times that I get to see and explore and question how I believe.

I don't ever want to be a burdon to my family as well. But, what if you are old and feeble and not dead? What then? We don't get to decide when we die. That's up to the universe or god.

8:48 AM  
Blogger lua said...

but your friend doesn't feel the same as you...
"I am worried about you - LuLu - and I think the Bible has messed with your mind."
"Buddha can handle hisself but it is again a little sad that you devout christians are so much about narrowing spiritual possibility rather than expanding it."
whatever- it doesn't reaally matter. it will be easier to discuss in person.

10:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Discuss in person! You comin out here??

12:43 PM  
Blogger lua said...

at some point, yes. and we will discuss the meaning of life, religion, etc. and i will be able to look at your face, and you mine. to try to discuss these things on a screen where it is all black and whitea nd you can't use your voice- intonation and tone are crucial, btw- it makes things easier. that way there will be no misunderstandings or hurt feelings. these things are too important to be brought to the level of blog comments. there's nothing worse than to feel misunderstood and not be able to convey your true thoughts... or for someone to take your words out of context when you say something as a joke or in passing. ya know?

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then why do you put yourself out there? Why do you start the conversation if this is how you feel? I completely agree with you...that this is the wrong forum to have these kinds of discussions in, so why do it?

11:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you best notrefer to me to dia as "your friend" that is rule 26.
" i still believe in heaven by the way, no buddhas for me" - I ain't gonna try to pick your stuff apart line by line but that is exactly the sort of christian nonsense to which I was refering.It is your nonsense , by the way, not some generalized but Your christian thing. Coming from anyone less beloved than you it would be simply offensive.
I'm glad you are happy - you shopuld be, you deserve it.
All this stuff about being kept alive on machines and these worst case scenarios though are your answer to thesuggestion that alonghappyfull life can be a great thing.
My mother is 84, she does suffer some serious health problema, in some ways her situation is a burden to jher family, and we welcome the so called burden. She does what she is ableto do herself and needs some family support as well. It's not like that woman in florida.
Anmyway what yousayhere does seem so rigid about how it should be - youaren't oldthese issues are not in the near futuremaybe would begoodto figure them out later.Maybe in the big scheme of thing in God'sbig universe it is no less unusualfor a grandchildoreven great grandchild to wipe your ancientassthen for you to wipe their's. But probably should it come to that they can have a nurse handle it. I agree with claudia and without speaking for her I don't thinkit's about imagining it to be glamorous.
What are you nowa little over 30?
This"might"be a serious delima some 50years from now, but meanwhile yes I think there's something to be said living in the moment,cherishing being alive and maybe stepping back to look at why you think about death so much. You do think about it a lot, worry about your kids dying and this notion you won't live very long.
And now you are assuring me you wont take your life and saying I characterized your tizzy as "suicidal." These are your thoughts not mine. It never occured to me you'd want to off yourself.
I hope you do enjoy the here and now and savor it and of course do not expect you to be some pollyanna about life's ups and downs.
And we are not face to face this a
blog and we are alljust airing our thoughts. My thoughts right nowinclude that this thread in this blog has been interesting, revealing and puzzling and I suggest you go back and read your own words and then decide whether anyone has tried to put them in your mouth for you. Especially perhaps your entry that begins "no you should, no she should... on through "death is very simple"
gosh LuLu, what's all that about ?

Anyway I am sorry that I jump down your throat on the christian stuff I do react vehemently at any sign of the things I hate so much about christianity in particular - among the world's religions because it is a faith which has countainenced so much horrible behavior and has if anything grown more mindless and more dangerous especially here in the old usa.

I actually am not so very judgemental about what other people believe so long as their beliefs do not threaten other people's lives.
All in all the christian movement for hundreds of years now has been an endless string of holy wars, inquisitions,witch burnings, intolerance, much of it driven by some irrisitable impulse to control evrybody else's lives and beliefs. For every example of charitable loving even courageous acts of christianity are dozens more of despicable action --
So it's unfair to lay that history
on you since of course I know that you are not part of that bullshit, nor is mark.
But I'm just human too, so when anyone I knowand think highly of even appears to blow off other religious beliefs - * we don't take our kids to temples its not what we believe... *no buddha for me etc... you get my feelings in my reactions, just being honest.

11:15 PM  
Blogger lua said...

the end of life thing is fresh for me because of my grandmother and what i saw her endure. several things that you quoted from me were things i said in jest. i know my sense of humour can be dark at times, but you shouldn't take me so seriously. i put myself out there so i can have conversations with friends.

9:56 AM  

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