we are the herdman's

I really want to post about all the gross stuff that happens around my house, but I 'm not sure anyone except Ryan would enjoy it. I would love to tell you about Liam throwing up on his plate at lunch (bad gag reflexes) , and how he ate the "clean" part of his sandwich (I got him a new plate) or how I hacked up a heart shaped lugie this morning, or how Chloe says she "peed out her butt", but I don't want to gross anyone out. never mind Dylan licking his toe jam, or last night- when he put a bean bag in the rear of his diaper, then took it out and chewed on it. That would be wrong to write about such filth. Someone might call DHS if they knew Caleb went to stay the weekend with a friend and didn't brush his teeth from Friday to Monday. Gross. Alright, well guess I'm off to pick up the diaper my dog just chewed up. Then I'll light a candle so no one will notice the smell.
did she really pee out of her ass ?
you let her say "ass?"
you forgot about Mark doing his morning stretches in just his sweatband and new jordans
I really would like a picture of Mark in the sweatband and shoes and nothing else. Merry Christmas to me!
no, she said bottom- and it actually looked more like mud. mark was also wearing a smile. i'll see about getting a picture. it may take some undercover work.
did you notice chloe's sign? she was so proud. it reads, "ho ho, check it yo" she wrote a play about a hip hop santa. i forgot to metion that she wore that sweater for 3 days straight.
Your kids are following in your footsteps. I want to know more about the hip hop play. Post it!
i will have to see if i can get the rights. she did have script- i think i kept the script for the robot/rock star dual. yes- she's definitly my daughter. what she lacks in hygeine, she makes up for in creativity.
Post it!
she wrote everyone's lines on different papers- so i am trying to get them together in the right order. i may have to have her dictate it to me.
was it runny poop or brown pee ?
We must know.
it was a liquid poo. came out like pee- but from the arse. why must you know?
Poo is important. Substance, color, weight...liquid, solid. It's all relevant.
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