i wanna be veruca
My apologies, but I must gloat a bit. My kids informed me tonight that I was (still) the coolest mom ever. (Yeah, so they said that on Christmas, too...They can be bribed.) Tomorrow night, Caleb and Chloe are auditioning for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at Spotlight Theatre in Tulsa. In preparation, I rented the new flick with the oh so dreamy Johnny Depp. (We own the original and it was my 1st suggestion.) But the pièce de resistance was the chocolate chip pancakes for dinner. So, they don't have to know that our grocery pickins are slim. They were happy, and I am the reining coolest mom. Chloe REALLY wants to be an umpa loompa, by the way.
I took another carload to Goodwill today. It felt great. The dishes are clean and Mark's hair is cut. My essay is still not done, but I need to rest up before educating the future of America. Alors, bonne nuit mes amis.
las tres mes
get the dorr
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