aye, there's the rub

It seems paradoxical sometimes that he's so beautiful. But he is- both inside and out. I recommend the book The Boy Who Likes Windows for those interested in reading about a boy very similar to Dylan. The end isn't quite the same, but no child is exactly the same, afterall. Here is a link to more Oldham kid pictures. I tried e-mailing some, but I'm not sure if it worked. Anywho, here's the link. http://eshare.hpphoto.com/FilmStripHome.aspx?JobID=e9bdf9a7-1243-4a2c-b090-8489b7596abb&SKU=WalMart. Whoa, I din't know Wal-mart was involved. I just cut and pasted the link. Sorry, Vosse.
We didn't make to Stillwater. Sally was sick. The Record Exchange closed years ago. Sorry Dia, Ken died. The town has grown quite a bit. We will have to explore the new and improved Hastings another day.
Sarah made the most amazing chocolate cake. I know I'm not supposed to mention the d word, but when and if I know my number is up, that is the last taste I want in my mouth before leaving this life. Yeah, it's that good. I am writing this to make my official request known, just in case I forget.
Long embraces all around.
Death and Chocolate
it's everything and nothing.
Can she freeze some for you in case... well, you know in case she
croaks first.
is this a real cake or we speaking metaphors again?
yes, it is real cake. but you can't have any. it's too good. you would eat it like it was some dolly madison or something. emily would appreciate it. to make the mousse filling, you have to scald the milk(& coffee grounds- they get strained)...twice. it has to sit 2 hours before being cut. it is a very temperamental cake. the ingredient list is short (mostly chocolate), yet pure. i think the secret ingredient is love. it takes skills. mad skills.
Wow, when did Ken die? That sucks!
Your kids are beautiful. Dylan looks so much older and Caleb looks like he's hitting puberty! Ahhhhh....
I already promised Ryan he could have a piece of cake when I was making the mousse and he was working on my hot water tank.
I still think we're talking about a metaphor.
Let them eat cake
don't make no mistake
cause you can't fake
the peanuts in my steak
They raw and rare
they dare to compare
to the master in the air
he knows when you sleep
he take what you eat
out into the street
where the elite come and greet
Ho Ho Ho Cake infects my Soul...
did you notice how it was so perfectly cut in half?
Always love pics of the oldham kids... Even though you use the evil empire to host the pics.
The record exchange was replaced with a cell phone store. They also closed Western (I think is the name) the street between the athletic dorms and the football stadium.
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