la vie

It has been a very nice break so far, and it is going by very fast. Mark starting de-Christmasing the house this morning, and I am kind of excited to move on and start thinking about 2006.
We went to the zoo yesterday, and the kids had a wonderful time. Most of the animals were out and seemed happy to have visitors. It was 75 deg, but very windy. I took many pix, but we can't figure out yet how to put them on the computer. Soon. very soon.
I saw the family Stone w/ ma mere et soeur on Monday, it was good. That night, we went to Lisa's for a little dinner thing and it was good to see Christine et son enfant. My guys love going chez Lisa's- they have the coolest shit. Ayway, it has been tres busy- but nice.
I am excited about getting the second half of this school year over with, so I can go to France and then move. I am ready to fix the house, get rid of 50% of our shit, sell the house and be ready to move. Even if I go to TU, we are selling the house, so we will be ready to move when necessary.
Well, alas- I need to do the dishes. That is one draw back of Mark's job, he is longer expected to wash all of the dishes. I know, it shouldn't have to be that way, but it was...
ps this is the image mark used to make chloe and caleb's's said "the arcade fire" and Caleb's said, "oh my God! the Pixies"
75 degrees? God, how I forget how Oklahoma weather is literally the most unpredictable weather. Pretty much stays the same here except it rains in the winter and we are having some rain right now. and all week and all last week. Ah, rain how I love thee.
are you bored? have you seen matchpoint? ever read adrienne rich's poetry? do you like reisling? how do you feel about fruity beers? (aka pear ales) have you ever been to oklahoma? texas? if you could be anywhere, where would you be? who would be your dream spank?
Those must be awesome shirts, how do i get one for myself?
and adrienne rich? i love this rasberry beer from belguim (framboise) with a nice roquefort or bleu cheese....yum. i also like cidre- also better with a good cheese. a very sharp white cheddar, or a stinky camembert. out of this world. i don't know if scarlet gets nudy or not, but i was curious about this movie- it has gotten some good reviews and i have seen two movies that i could sit through...hell, what is one more? so was dia your dream spank? or was it bob dylan and if you tell me you will have to kill me?
Of course I was! Hello?? Haven't you seen my ass? thank you!
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