okay, so I am a little drunk on this Christmas night, but here I am just the same. Chloe took that pic. That is her hand. Sarah's friend, is about tio deploy to Iraq and I have to say I admire him. He doesn't 100% believe in the Bush administration, but he is a marine...and there , off he goes... It was a good Christmas for us at the Oldham household. We got a new digital camera- so be prepared for some pix. My family was as to be expected- not a word was mentioned of my law school aspirations...it was all about Heather's grad school choices. Oh well. It will hit 'em when the moving van shows up, eh? Well, good night.
WHOOOO! Big Lovin Christmas JOY to you!
baaad girl...
we are going to remember your Christmas behavior when you get out here and we get you over our knees... two LuLu Lovers , 4 hands, infinite spanks
We can afford a real moving van? I thought we would be doing it beverly Hillbillies style... all the crap in the back and chloe sitting in a rocking chair strapped to the roof.
QWe'll take it any way we can get it.
After the "Beverly Hills cop" movies tanked we get very little attention.
You'll need a new song, though substituting your names and circumstances to the sam,e tune.
Welcome to show biz.
- Burt Schmidt
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