i just busted a kid for pot. they think we are so dumb. who gets high at school with 20 minutes left in the day?
i am going to take dylan swimming tonight after chloe's art lessons. yeah!
have a great afternoon. i gotta go brush my hair. and eat a snack. mmmm
what did you do to the kid afterwards?? Did you have to report it?
I'm confused, you're brushing your hair to go Swim? Gretchen, are you confused about when brushing is worthwhile?
i meant braid my hair. clearly, i am out of practice. yes of course i reported it. i called the police officer and a principal into my room. my kids wanted to know how i was so sure, so i said that i have been to concerts. that's not a lie.
do you think by brushing your hair you will fool people into thinking you have a new haircut?
don't worry, he ain't going to college. i'll be glad if he graduates. i can't be a police officer. they carry guns. and the uniforms do nothing for my figure.
so you told them the way you were so sure was that you been to concerts ?
And no one found any pot.
And " they think WE are so dumb "
well, duh.
a student leaves my class to get high during my class and i call the school officer and the his mom..he gets a slap on the wrist...but i am the bad guy. hmmm. you are right, i should have done nothing that would solve the issue. that is what his mom and the cop did. am i going to talk to him? yes. what would yo do?
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