For those of you interested in human rights (not Mark), here is a site where you can find out about some of the companies who have violated human rights in the past year- with links to do something about it. Rather than attack each other, let's direct our energy to the companies who have actually done something wrong.
http://www.globalexchange.org/getInvolved/corporateHRviolators.html There is a plethora of interesting and important facts on this site overall. I think it is based in SF. (shocking)
Stay positive and have a great Sunday.
Liberal bleeding heart crapola. If you think I am going to give up my Agent Orange because of the whiney little nanobs in Gaytown USA, you have another think coming.
Coca-Cola ? Sorry again, dickwads, but Pepsi doesn't cut it and nothing goes better with cheap rum.
And my kids who do their homework and show proper respect for grown ups, are enamored with rice krispies treats. I am supposed to shut that down make them unhappy because of some dust up over pricing ? Get real.
I made 200 bucks last year on my Monsanto stock and we use Glyphosate every summer to protect my wife's gladiolas from bugs.
We'll keep using it despite your pissing and moaning about beano share croppers.
Phil Morris - I smoke camels so this doesn't apply but I stand firm on every adult's right to be a pathetic junkie hooked of the least healthy legal substances on the planet. I eat mostly organic food, no additives, and so what if nicotine is arguably the most insidious drug in history, I know it has a dramatically changed the way my heart and lungs and digestive system and brain work. I could stop but this ois just not a good time.
Wal Mart
Yeh Fuck walmart Their closest store is another 20 minutes further than Costco.
What people like you don't understand is these companies are going to do what they do no matter what you or I do . So why should I give up things I really like to be "politically correct" when these goddamn hand wringing complaints will continue forever.
this is a non issue.
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