Building penises out of leggos (and simulating felatio), stealing signs from the school front doors, putting CDs in the microwave in the Spanish class are just a few of the shinanigans pulled by some of the French guests these past two weeks. Actually, just two of them. They taught my students nearly every cuss word, and through it all I have kept my good humour- I mean they are not here for long and it is good for my students to hear true French, right? They are clearly represseed young men that have been given a taste of what it is like to be an American teenager (in Sapulpa). Their enthusiasm is endearing. (and the accents...) But, when the assn't principal and school police officer called me into their office to tell me that a friend of one of the other host told that student's mom (who is hosting another kid) that someone told her that they were sneaking off in the evenings (when they were supposed to be at church?!!?) to smoke pot- and I needed to take care of it. WTF? First of all- I could care less what they are doing in the evenings- so as they don't get hurt. Second- a friend of a friend's mom?! Third- IF I tell their teachers about ANY of the above behaviors they would get expelled from their school. (It is a top ranked school in France- private and very prestigious) But I was afraid that they might call the coordinator of the exchange (my former French teacher- a putain herself) and I knew she would not hesitate to have them expelled... So I found the accused and asked him point blank if he had been smoking pot while he was here. I felt like such an ass. Poor kid- I know he is rambunctious and maybe he had- but he looked so shocked that I was confronting him. He has long scraggly hair and I hate to say it, but I think that was a big reason he was singled out. After I explained to him why I was asking, I tried to console him that I believed him and would not say anything further. He wanted so desperatly to convince me that he did not smoke anything at all. I could tell he was hurt by my accusations. I feel horrible aboutthe whole situation.
It does not help that my principal burst into my last class today to yell at the kids because she had seen them bring pops and snacks to my classroom... Well today was the last day for the French kids to attend class (they have field trips next week) so, I told them they could bring treats to share. Forgetting to get her approval was my fault- so I apologized and tried to explain things to her when she turned to me (wagging finger and all) and said, "We'll talk later." in front of my entire class.
Man I am glad I will be at Woolaroc tomorrow with the French kids laughing at the shrunken heads and (not) eating buffalo burgers. (though I could)
holy shit, i went to woolaroc last friday on my way to bartlesville to stay at the Price Tower. the shrunken heads are too fucking cool for school.
MMMMMMMM... Buffalo. Don't ya just love high school, in oklahoma?
everything was great today. i threw a tomahawk- scary! but i also talked to the kid- he is fine and i feel better about the situation. i also ate at a mac donalds for the first time in like 2 years... good fries and shake, tho.
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