Liam has THREE loose teeth

I am writing to say I survived my 1st day of classes. Truth be told, I should be in bed, and I probably would be if it were not for the 2 cups of coffee I had tonight to help me get through my 1st contracts assignment. My updates may come less frequently, although Mark seems to have a plethora of time to keep his blog current. I will say I love my professors and I am very excited about this semester- at this point. I cannot think of anything besides law-related topics, so my blog will probably not be that interesting to most of you for the next 3 years (maybe 4- if I go to France). I am meeting w/ Dylan's teacher tomorrow, but I won't go into that too much just yet. Let's just say she has no prior experience w/ autism and I am trying not to stress too much. She wanted him to come to school next week, even though classes begin on Wed. Again, I think I have the situation under control and I am trying to stay positive. Things will be fine. So, how are things with you?
I will say, on an unrelated note that I don't care too much for myspace. I have a myspace- because my law school group (09) started one over the summer- and so far the only people (besides the obvious close friends/ family members) who want to be my "friends" are former students that I don't like or remember. It is far too involved.
Catch you later.
ps my back hurts from all of those heavy case books- sometimes I think I am too old for this...
Get a cool nurse suitcase on wheels... Only $10.49 at Kohl's!
All the kids at law school will have them soon. my law school there was serious tension between the rolling bags and the backpacks. Among my friends rolling bags were a fashion faux pas. My remedy was to get an enormous backpack with heavy duty shoulder straps and the kind with a waist belt--like I was going camping. Seriously. It even had mesh pockets on the side for a water bottle and coffee mug. And smaller pockets for my food (one semester I was taking all three meals to school with me 2x/week thanks to evening classes). I got a great one by Patagonia. I used it for the entire three years. Do you have a locker? For our first year we had lockers, and then I didn't use one anymore. Also, the car serves a great book depository. You will soon figure out which books you need everyday and which ones you don't. On the upside, carrying all that weight around for three years resulted in well-sculpted legs.
nope, lockers are given away in a lottery- and I did not win. You actually have to pay a small fee when you "win", but I suppose it would be worth it. I do put some books in my car now, but I am worried about when the weather gets freaking cold... and snow.. and ice... oh well. I am working on a system I guess. Most people here carry more than one bag, so that is what I have started doing- it is easier on the back, I guess, but still not fun. I do bring lunch- and sometimes bkfst, but I have not had to bring dinner, ugh! was it a 1st year class you had at night?
No, it was second semester 2nd year or first semester 3rd year. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe it was both. Hmmm, hard to remember now.
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