con law rules

So I haven't had much time to update the blog, but here is a pictorial tribute to our week. First of all, I have to commend my dear husband for being the best house-husband ever. We had a back-to-school pic-nic on Thur. (the pic of Mark and Liam shunning me) and each family was to bring a dessert- so he and Liam made choc. chip cookies. AND he has been in training to take over the bills, plus all of the other misc. paper work that comes w/ 4 kids in school and day-care. (Dylan alone is a full-time job) If you look at the 1st picture, you will see one of the loaves of bread that he baked today and the robot that he and Chloe are making. It is a stuffed robot doll, named James. I'll post pictures of the clothes that they made for Amy later (another doll they made 2 yrs ago) There is also a pic of us walking back from the town green where we attended a celebration for the early childhood center's 2 year anniversary. You see us walking toward the school and the courthouse is on the left. The last pic is the best one I could get of Liam showing me where he has lost his 2 front teeth. It is so cute. He talks w/ a lisp now. School has been good this week. It is getting more involved and a little harder, but I still love it. I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Very impressive bread.
It's bigger than it looks.
Hey, that's the line I use with "the ladies"...
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