I have 8 gray hairs & I will be 32 in 3 weeks and 2 days...

I know, I am old, but I am really starting to feel it this week. For starters, Caleb is at the Tunbridge World's Fair tonight with a car full of 13 year old girls. They are meeting some other friends there, too. He reapplied his deodorant (twice) and brushed his teeth while he was waiting to be picked up. I had to stand back and be cool when they came to get him. I will say- the girls were cute.
Second, Dylan will be NINE YEARS OLD on Sunday. Ouch. The picture is of him opening one of the gifts he received from my mom on Thursday. We are spreading out the celebration. I took cupcakes to his class today. The finale will be the fair on Sunday. Good times.
Finally, I feel old because I am so tired all of the time. I fall asleep on the couch almost every night before I am finished w/ my studying. I am going to have to fit more work in during daylight hour, but I am not used to working that way. I was always a night owl-especially in college. But no more. I will say I am much wiser now and therefore okay with the trade-off. I could never have succeeded in law school with my prior study habits.
Well, I am going to put my 3 younger kids to bed and try to read a bit before I retire early this Friday evening. Happy weekend.
Happy birthday to Dylan! I hope you're having fun at the fair.
Love the pic of Dylan & Chloe!
Can I just say, you just made ME feel old with Dylan being NINE and Caleb off to the FAIR with GIRLS! Ahh! Times they are a changin...
But I understand what you mean -- I'm not doing the amazing things like you are like going to law school and having four kids, but I do feel my age a little more. The other evening we were playing outside with the kids and I decided to do cartwheels and summer-salts (sp?) -- the kids loved it so wanted me to do it over and over, especially the cartwheels. Then I was sore for days!
Love reading your blog -- can't believe you guys are in VERMONT! Looks beautiful...
I have 8 gray hairs and I'm 21... I don't know if that does much to make you feel better.
It's been so long since I've heard from you guys- I'm so impressed by what you're doing! I know that you're super duper crazy busy, but you should drop me a hello when you get a chance. My email is jessica@earthship.com.
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