I'm meeelllltinnng

It has been another enlightening week here in VT. The kids are still amazingly adjusted. Caleb is the VP of his class AND VP of student council. Plus, he is in the musical AND he is starting on the jv soccer team. Plus, he is involved in the film club- they are working on a documentary that sounds pretty cool.
Otherwise, I have been completely sucked in by school. Everything is a legal issue to me these days. I don't know how other people in law school function (sans Mark) ie. get their laundry done, house cleaned, or food bought. Law school is officially my life. The kids are a welcome distraction occasionally. But sometimes, I have to remind myself that I am their mother and they have a right to talk to me or ask me questions from time to time. It is sick, really. I need to reconnect w/ reality- I also need to exercise and sleep more. I am seeking balance- b/c I see now that this is going to be my reality as a lawyer. It will take time, but I am getting there. I am still figuring out how to read the cases and find the issue- but that is getting easier, as well. All in good time. I have found that I really like the writing aspect. It feels good to put something out there and get feedback. So far, it has been good (the feedback at least). The rules are easy to learn and applying them gets clearer with each hypothetical. I am staying positive, but I am also not giving myself any slack. I am finding the hardest part is knowing when to stop. On that note, I am going to get some much needed sleep. Good night.