
Liam has THREE loose teeth

I am writing to say I survived my 1st day of classes. Truth be told, I should be in bed, and I probably would be if it were not for the 2 cups of coffee I had tonight to help me get through my 1st contracts assignment. My updates may come less frequently, although Mark seems to have a plethora of time to keep his blog current. I will say I love my professors and I am very excited about this semester- at this point. I cannot think of anything besides law-related topics, so my blog will probably not be that interesting to most of you for the next 3 years (maybe 4- if I go to France). I am meeting w/ Dylan's teacher tomorrow, but I won't go into that too much just yet. Let's just say she has no prior experience w/ autism and I am trying not to stress too much. She wanted him to come to school next week, even though classes begin on Wed. Again, I think I have the situation under control and I am trying to stay positive. Things will be fine. So, how are things with you?
I will say, on an unrelated note that I don't care too much for myspace. I have a myspace- because my law school group (09) started one over the summer- and so far the only people (besides the obvious close friends/ family members) who want to be my "friends" are former students that I don't like or remember. It is far too involved.
Catch you later.
ps my back hurts from all of those heavy case books- sometimes I think I am too old for this...


Law school = good food

The orientation festivities came to an end today. It was (mostly) interesting- and (hopefully) useful...I will say they fed us well. (and of course it is all veg-friendly, home-grown, and tasty- PLUS they have even given us (yummy) VT beer at most evening events)
I had some great moments with future professors. One of the highlights of the week was talking to the Sup. Ct. Justice in Montpelier on Wed. (field trip) in the house chamber... I was recognized, stood, took my mike- and fired my question. What a rush!
Here are some pics of the week...
Caleb and I in one of my classes (too bad you cannot see the huge windows at the front of the room- great view!)
Chloe at the park (sans moi) This is the park at their school- practically across the street-or down the hill- from us
The fam at tonight's bar-b-que...TONS of grilled veggies, ribs, chicken, etc. Plus- more corn and other cruditéÃSs. Of course, freshVTt cheese and organic crackers- don't forget the beer (see photo) but the best part was the hand-dipped, home-made, farm fresh, all-natural (fromVT) ice-cream bars. Yum-eee. (clearly, Mark was upset by Liam's mess, but maybe he was just jealous)
I found a great study spot today in the library. I finished all of my reading and notes for the first two days of school this afternoon- mostly. I skipped the hike up Kent's ledge w/ the dean, but I only have 18 more pages of Civ Pro to read and I am ready to start school. It has taken me about 4 hours total to prepare to walk in the door the 1st day. I told my kids tonight (who say they miss me already) to start writing me letters if they have something they want to talk to me about, because I don't know when I will see them. (and they may forget what they wanted to say by the time they see me again) Of course I will see them daily, but our time of just hanging out, chatting, playing games, reading together, etc. - will be very limited. Nevertheless, they (Caleb and Chloe) told me that they were so glad I decided to go to law school and they love it here. Caleb even asked Chloe if she would move back to OK if she could- and she said , "No way!"

Well, I am going to try to play around some more w/ my new Westlaw and Lexis/Nexis accounts. It's Friday night, baby!

PS tomorrow we are taking the kids up to Ben and Jerry's... more yum.


new life

Well, it is official. I have my parking sticker, my ID, and my 1st case (to brief for tomorrow) to prove it... I am a law student. Actually, classes start Monday- and I have plenty of reading to do before the 1st day. This school is amazing. I am so lucky to be here. I can see now (more than ever) that the next three years are going to be challenging, but I am excited just the same. I spent a lot of time today reflecting upon the past year and how I got to where I am now. I feel very lucky, and I intend to profit from this opportunity I have been given. Maybe it was all of the pep talks we received about "ethics in professionalism" and the "role of the lawyer in today's society", but I am ready to begin this new chapter of my life. My kids seem to dig it here, too. That is always a good thing.


Random thoughts and random shots...

1) Sarah and me in OH, on our way here. We were a little delirious. The night before, we stayed in Rolla, MO- and Mark was attacked by a bat.

2) Liam (and Missy) watching TV in the (new) living room. Props to Lindsay for the art. The stereo is no longer on the TV stand and we have 2 of Scot's pieces just above where this pic cuts off. (See the black frame?)

3) Mark and his truck. Thank god for the ipod, sunflower seeds, twizzlers, and peanut m&m's. They kept him going and therefore, I did NOT have to drive.

4) This was yesterday on our way back from the store (45 minutes away)... We were having a Zepplin moment- heading for the misty mountains and all. This is the sign on 89- pretty self-explanatory.

The weather here has been fabulous. I know it will get very cold...but it is August and it does not get hotter than 84. I love love that. Today is rainy, but it is a calm rain. The area where we live reminds me of what I imagine Scotland or Ireland to be like. Everything is lush and green- and the hills really are rolling. Did I mention the babbling brook in our back yard? I am sure there will be more pics to come. Or, you all could visit us here and see for yourself.





...and we are online again.
There will be many updates to come.


Heading to Chelsea...

So we have officially (but not legally) found a new place to live. It is in the lovely town of Chelsea. I say lovely, but I don't really know... Never been there, but I assume it is lovely. In fact, we have no pictures of the house, either. Balls to the wall, as they say- right Sarah?

This is a photo of the k-12 school my children will be attending. I think there are 236 students- total. In fact the town has around 1250 inhabitants. Yes, they will have to change the pop. sign when we roll into town. Here is a link to the town's website. Go ahead and explore and then let me know if you see anything cool. http://www.chelseavt.org/

I sent Mark to welcome my mom and sister from Italy. Their plane was delayed and not getting in until 11:50PM. They gonna be tye-reed.

Well, guess I should prepare for bed, it is going to be another FULL day. At least we have A/C again.





fear and loathing...

Here are some highlights of the weekend... (exlpainations may or may not come later- so come up w/ your own stories...they are prolly not as good as the real ones...)Things are getting a little crazy around here... Our lanlord had to break our lease because her sister died and now she needs the house...? That shit only happens to me, but anywho we are back to square one on housing. That means everything else on my list just got pushed back. We are looking at a possibility in Chelsea VT- we will keep you updated. Gotta run, much to do.

Send me good luck!
