
I'm meeelllltinnng

It has been another enlightening week here in VT. The kids are still amazingly adjusted. Caleb is the VP of his class AND VP of student council. Plus, he is in the musical AND he is starting on the jv soccer team. Plus, he is involved in the film club- they are working on a documentary that sounds pretty cool.

Otherwise, I have been completely sucked in by school. Everything is a legal issue to me these days. I don't know how other people in law school function (sans Mark) ie. get their laundry done, house cleaned, or food bought. Law school is officially my life. The kids are a welcome distraction occasionally. But sometimes, I have to remind myself that I am their mother and they have a right to talk to me or ask me questions from time to time. It is sick, really. I need to reconnect w/ reality- I also need to exercise and sleep more. I am seeking balance- b/c I see now that this is going to be my reality as a lawyer. It will take time, but I am getting there. I am still figuring out how to read the cases and find the issue- but that is getting easier, as well. All in good time. I have found that I really like the writing aspect. It feels good to put something out there and get feedback. So far, it has been good (the feedback at least). The rules are easy to learn and applying them gets clearer with each hypothetical. I am staying positive, but I am also not giving myself any slack. I am finding the hardest part is knowing when to stop. On that note, I am going to get some much needed sleep. Good night.





I have 8 gray hairs & I will be 32 in 3 weeks and 2 days...

I feel old.
I know, I am old, but I am really starting to feel it this week. For starters, Caleb is at the Tunbridge World's Fair tonight with a car full of 13 year old girls. They are meeting some other friends there, too. He reapplied his deodorant (twice) and brushed his teeth while he was waiting to be picked up. I had to stand back and be cool when they came to get him. I will say- the girls were cute.
Second, Dylan will be NINE YEARS OLD on Sunday. Ouch. The picture is of him opening one of the gifts he received from my mom on Thursday. We are spreading out the celebration. I took cupcakes to his class today. The finale will be the fair on Sunday. Good times.
Finally, I feel old because I am so tired all of the time. I fall asleep on the couch almost every night before I am finished w/ my studying. I am going to have to fit more work in during daylight hour, but I am not used to working that way. I was always a night owl-especially in college. But no more. I will say I am much wiser now and therefore okay with the trade-off. I could never have succeeded in law school with my prior study habits.

Well, I am going to put my 3 younger kids to bed and try to read a bit before I retire early this Friday evening. Happy weekend.


con law rules

So I haven't had much time to update the blog, but here is a pictorial tribute to our week. First of all, I have to commend my dear husband for being the best house-husband ever. We had a back-to-school pic-nic on Thur. (the pic of Mark and Liam shunning me) and each family was to bring a dessert- so he and Liam made choc. chip cookies. AND he has been in training to take over the bills, plus all of the other misc. paper work that comes w/ 4 kids in school and day-care. (Dylan alone is a full-time job) If you look at the 1st picture, you will see one of the loaves of bread that he baked today and the robot that he and Chloe are making. It is a stuffed robot doll, named James. I'll post pictures of the clothes that they made for Amy later (another doll they made 2 yrs ago) There is also a pic of us walking back from the town green where we attended a celebration for the early childhood center's 2 year anniversary. You see us walking toward the school and the courthouse is on the left. The last pic is the best one I could get of Liam showing me where he has lost his 2 front teeth. It is so cute. He talks w/ a lisp now. School has been good this week. It is getting more involved and a little harder, but I still love it. I hope everyone is having a great weekend.



Look closely- the hills are rolling...

Here are some pictures of the hike we took with the kids yesterday morning on a trail just up the hill from our house. It is insanely beautiful- the pictures do it little justice. Caleb remarked that he was just waiting for an Ewok to roll down the hill to greet us.
I hope everyone had a great Labour Day weekend. Ours was pretty low key, but I got a lot of work done, so I feel prepared for the week- well, kind of. I really am so happy to be here and I enjoy law school, so far- but it is like nothing I have ever experienced before. I guess school always came easy to me, but now I am being pushed to excel in every class- in a way I never have. I am finding truth to the old adage that "anything worth doing is worth doing well". Well, on that note, I am off to bed- tomorrow promises another full day of exciting class work and learning- plus Westlaw training and an International Law Society meeting. Good night.
PS Thank you Lisa for all of your advice. I really felt much better after talking to you today. It was great to hear your voice and vent about my 1st week. I am so lucky to have you as a friend and a resource.


The first week was a success for all of us!

Well, we all made it through our 1st (official) week of school fairly unscathed. I had a make-up contracts class today- for a class I have yet to miss. (My prof's husband is having surgery later in the semester, so we are making up for it now) What that means for me is two classes of contracts that I had to be ready for today. Needless to say, I fell asleep on my UCC code book last night... not pretty. I have to admit, I am really beginning to like it- even if I refer to contracts as my "math class". This may come as a surprise, but I really liked math when I got it, I had just gotten to the point where I did not get it so much- so I decided I just did not like it. Much like contracts. But yesterday- and even more so today, (especially after two 1.5 hr classes) it started to click.
So, after my one week experience in law school, several things are much more clear for me... 1) It is really difficult, BUT 2) it can be equally rewarding. (so far- no exams under my belt, mind you) Let me explain, in my classes showing up prepared is essential (obviously) and not without hours of work, but then when you are engaged in a discussion, or listening to your professor going over the case..and your rationale was right on...or your question takes the discussion to a whole new level... or to be confused or feel behind only to get to class and realize you are much better off than most. Okay, so now I am tooting my horn, but I feel good about school after this 1st week. I have learned a lot in my classes- but also 3) how the system works. I still need to work on managing my time more efficiently, but this week was special, in that I wanted to be there for the kids as much as possible for their 1st week of school.
Which brings me back to the topic of the post... the pictures are Wed. morning, the official first day (for them). Liam was not very compliant. The second picture is walking home from the first day. Our house is just up the hill a bit. The school is on the left- and the court house is on the right (not shown- but across the street we are on) The town green is in front of the court house. Temperatures are steadily dropping, but we are staying dry. How are the NC people holding up?
Well, Mark and I are going to take a little walk to the graveyard (further up the hill from our house) - there is a path there...I hope you all have a wonderful (long) weekend. Mine is full for sure... I may need to vent again in greater detail on personal jurisdiction and what the 14th amendment says about it, but I think I need to chill for now.
PS I'll post later about how successful the kids 1st week was, but I will say they love it! oh, and Liam has lost two of the three loose teeth...