Liam has THREE loose teeth

I am writing to say I survived my 1st day of classes. Truth be told, I should be in bed, and I probably would be if it were not for the 2 cups of coffee I had tonight to help me get through my 1st contracts assignment. My updates may come less frequently, although Mark seems to have a plethora of time to keep his blog current. I will say I love my professors and I am very excited about this semester- at this point. I cannot think of anything besides law-related topics, so my blog will probably not be that interesting to most of you for the next 3 years (maybe 4- if I go to France). I am meeting w/ Dylan's teacher tomorrow, but I won't go into that too much just yet. Let's just say she has no prior experience w/ autism and I am trying not to stress too much. She wanted him to come to school next week, even though classes begin on Wed. Again, I think I have the situation under control and I am trying to stay positive. Things will be fine. So, how are things with you?
I will say, on an unrelated note that I don't care too much for myspace. I have a myspace- because my law school group (09) started one over the summer- and so far the only people (besides the obvious close friends/ family members) who want to be my "friends" are former students that I don't like or remember. It is far too involved.
Catch you later.
ps my back hurts from all of those heavy case books- sometimes I think I am too old for this...