
Okay, so my principal tells me today that after yesterday's incident, they feel it would be a good idea to install cameras in my classroom. I am not crazy about the idea, but it will allow me to focus more on my teaching and not worry so much that someone is pulling something over on me. Many of you know that there was a big drug ring running from my classroom last year. The kid who was in charge was later linked to 3 overdoses in our school. So maybe I am a little on edge about drugs in my room.
These kids are not taking French. They are in my hummanities class that I am teaching sans livre. I have to create everything (art, music, architecture, etc.) on my own. Therefore, it is not as structured as other classes. Plus, that is the nature of the subject...and that's how I roll. Overall, it's a lot of fun- when I don't feel kids are taking advantage of my kind natured self.
I adore high school kids. I respect them because they deserve it. Their lives are filled with people who treat them as children, but want them to make adult decisions. We all remember those days. In fact, being with my students is the one thing I am going to miss most about this job. Sometimes I care too much for them, and so I am getting out before I get numb. I have seen that happen- not good.
Have a good day.
PS My kiddo was in class today. Nothing happened to him, but we talked.
you got served

After her bath last night, Chloe broke it down to the tunes of Atmosphere. There is no sound really, (you can hear Mark laugh a bit) so use your imagination, or play your own tunes and enjoy. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2856263036395413561
I hope this works. Good night.
venting again

PS This is one of Scot's prints. See more at http://www.losergoes1st.com
I noticed he added some new stuff. LOVE IT!!
rock me falco

Basically I was saying that I am glad it is Friday, and it is going to rain- which means indoor projects this weekend. (ie. painting?)
I also had to brag a bit that Caleb was nominated by his teachers for a major award from TCC- for students in the Tulsa area. If he wins, they will recognize him at his school, hang a banner, give him a bunch of stuff, and put him on TV. I made it sound much more prestigious the 1st time I tried to post, but now I am just ready to get home.
Finally, to ye locals, Caleb and Chloe both have sleepovers on Sat. night, so I think we should play dominoes. eh?? eh??
I think that is all. I'm looking homeward, angels. (I post @ school cause it is hella fast- but only when I am sans élèves)
PS here's the real tragedy...http://www.eonline.com/News/Items/0,1,2512,00.html
la vie simple

Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality.
-Ralph Marston
I didn't get into OU, but I'm cool with it. It wasn't meant to be.
Here are some cool sites I found recently...
They were in my Real Simple Magazine. Here's their site
I love that mag.
When I took Liam to the Dr. on Tue., he insisted the Dr. say, "NO more monkeys jumping on the bed!".
Have a good day,
la maison de mon reve

Caleb and Chloe were sick today. Yuck-ee. Mark stayed home, but I took off tomorrow to take Liam to his Dr. apt. and Chloe has to get her (1st) filling.
I am sad about painting my house. I love my colorful walls. I have to look at it as a step towards separating myself from this house emotionally. When we moved in, we only had 2 kids. I know it is time, but I do wish I could bring the house along for the ride.
Alright, I am off to get Mark.
i feel so exposed

Mark worked all weekend, I feel kind of like his pimp.
As I look at the calendar, I see another busy week with dentist/doctors appointments, swimming, art lessons, soccer, etc... I wonder sometimes how I will manage to balance it all next year. I work well under pressure, but it does seem daunting.
Have a restful night and a good Monday.
Mark? Scot?

Nike recently bought 143 pairs of shoes from a collector in Japan to fill in holes in its archive.
read more...http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5077178
you are my candy girl

I have other quirks, but I am afraid this one is borderline theivery. Last night, as I went to pay for my coffee, I pulled out a handful of packets from the pocket of my OSU hoodie. Oops.
My obssesive hair twirling, foot fear, or brocolli aversion have never gotten me into legal troubles.
random thoughts:
- I am thinking of learning Italian and Latin. German will follow. Maybe Russian, but I want to master the romance ones.
- Mark and I walk all over town and our students always see us. They are starting to worry. People are talking because NOBODY walks in this town. (unless you are crazy...we aren't too far off, eh?)
- Dylan still has no diapers. GRRR.
- Liam said his dad's name is brother.
- Chloe said she wants to be a crossing guard or an artist when she grows up (last night) Then she said, "I'd like to go to the moon, if mom will let me" to which I replied, "Of course, you can to anything- if you work hard." Liam perked up, and said, "Yes, I want to do anything."
G'Day. hugs. Happy b.day, Fritha. (I think it is tomorrow?)
Mark's turn to see the dentist. good luck.
all things grow

I think Oklahoma should be next.
ps i have to get a crown... there goes my moving/france $$. guess i'll have to start selling my body to the night, again. damn teeth.
ma liste, enfin
Ok, I am not great at ranking things, but I rule at making lists... So here is a list of albums I am into right now. I have no clue if they came out this year or last year (some aren't out yet, oops) whatever, they make me feel good. Please remember I am not a music writer. It is really difficult for me to describe music, or why I like it. You will notice that Mark and I do have different taste, sometimes. Alors, voilà...
· Jenny Lewis, Rabbit Fur Coat (the Handle with Care cover is extremly enjoyable)
· Antony and the Johnsons, I am a bird Now (I crave this album- like chocolate)
· The mates of State, the new one (?) (feels great and I can really get down to these songs)
· CocoRosie, la maison de mon rêve (beautiful, folksie, and Frenchie)
· The Bell Orchestre, Recording a tape the colour of light (Great to listen to as you work or drive... not for everyone)
· The Arcade Fire, The Arcade Fire (again, I can listen to this anytime. maybe an all-time fave. it makes doing dishes go by faster, too)
· Sigur Ros, Takk
· Godspeed You Black Emperor, Lift your skinny wrists like antennas to heaven (amazing sometimes melancholic instrumental music. the way it builds and climaxes is slightly sexual, I think. ..it's a fantastic release. again, it's best for me when i am grading or driving. ..but not w/ mark, he's not a fan)
· Sufjan Stevens, Illinoise
· Damien Rice, O
· Bright Eyes, Fevers and Mirrors (probably my favorite, I can always listen to it)
· Belle & Sebastian, Your cover's blown (They rarely disappoint. Hopefully Sarah and I will see 'em in Dallas)
· M.Ward, Transfiguration of Vincent ( I klike the new one, too. I dig the analogue die-hards and his voice, wow- so rare)
· Davendra Banhart, Rejoicing in the Hands (not new- I know, but so good)
· Fionna Apple, Extraordinary Machine (song #3- very empowering)- The fiery furnaces, I like the last two albums
I can't wait to find some Deerhoofs (grâce à vosse) Other albums I want to check out are...
· Cat Power, The Greatest (OMG that voice)
· Tortoise and Bonnie Prince Billy, The Brave and the Bold (I just discovered Tortoise)
· The elected, Sun, sun, sun
· The John Fahey tribute album
· the mars volta, frances the mute
· vashti bunyan, lookafter
· dungen, ta det lugnt
Again, there could be more- I am open to suggestions.
I hope Mark is having a good time at G-love & special sauce.
bonne nuite.
happy b.day.

Tomorrow, I am monitoring at the academic team meet in the morning. Those things make me a lil nervous. It's $50 and a free sandwich, so what the hell.
We are going to continue working to get our house sellable, the kids have various activities (b.day parties, etc.) , Mark will be working,...so I am sure Tuesday will be for before I know it.
I am going to listen to the new Jenni Lewis and catch up on some reading now that all of my applications are done and SENT.
Have a wonderful Friday and keep the dream alive.
i love o

i am wearing my gypsy skirt, listening to my damien rice...in my mind i am in my (soon to have) volvo station wagon, windows down and I am on my way to San Fran. the air is warm and the music is loud. i have a foot on the seat (that is how i drive) i am free. now go listen to blower's daughter and join me.
how the world eats

This is really interesting. To me, at least...http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5005952.
I need to get to work, I guess.
Love, hugs and kisses.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's weekend motorcycle crash left him with a fat lip and a political black eye, but he won't be charged with a driving violation, officials said Wednesday.
Schwarzenegger was on his Harley-Davidson, with his 12-year-old son in a sidecar, when he collided Sunday with a car on a winding canyon road. Police said he was driving without a license, but the city attorney declined to file any charges after reviewing the accident report.
my twin?

Just a side note, Chloe matched with Marilyn Monroe, Rean Reno, Yassar Arafat, and Shirley Temple. Liam resembles Michael Moore and Liv Tyler... hmm. It gets addictive, but it is quite entertaining. I tried to link the bakery shot for you. Enjoy and have a great day.
better news!!!!!!!!!
they also want to give me $19,000/year. and other stuff. they are sending a packet.
yay-hoo. #2.
i'll surf the net.

if we move to cali., i think i want to surf. or stalk kelly slater and be friends with the surfers. or just stalk kelly slater and have imaginary friends who surf. or just have imaginary friends. wait. that's not right. they are all in hawaii. surfers, that is. i like to look at the ocean, but i don't get in. that may make it difficult to surf. i'll stick with plan b. it got cold here again. like it's winter, heh.
Service announcement

daughters are fun

It has been a big week for Chloe. She has been introduced to Allen Ginsberg and Jerry Garcia. She was most fascinated in the story of Jerry’s finger accident. She finished her first chapter book, added about 26 pictures to her art portfolio, and shot her 1st video.
She auditioned for a play (don’t know yet…) and decided to get rid of nearly all of her toys in her toy box. (“New year, new me” she said…hmm where did she hear that?) Right now, she is playing with Missy and I’m not sure Missy is happy about it. They are planning a tea party/picnic on the living room floor. The "tea" is her recipe of pez+ water in a water bottle and shaken up. yum.We’ll see, we’ll see.
merci for all of your kind words

It has been a beautiful day outside and it has been nice hanging out with the kids today.