Another reason to move.
Cody lives across the street from us.
happy fat tuesday

Here I am trying to enlighten my students with a little culture. Embrace the learning, damnit. Feel the French vibe. Actually, we (they) ate king's cake and made masks, while I tried to teach a little something about the reason we bear our breasts for beads each year. (or maybe just what mardi gras really means and why /where it is celebrated)
Laissez le bon temps rouler!
mas sap-town history

The other is a restored painted sign on a building (we have a lot of these, and I like them) We took this picture for obvious reasons.
A new trimester starts tomorrow. I am excited. 3 more months. I can do this.
Good night.
Sapulpa series II

The kids and I went for a nice long walk today. We went all over town and they played a while at the Park near downtown (the big build/ Heritage park) Anywho, we took lots of great pictures w/ some of our favorite spots. So begins another Sapulpa series, this one avec enfants. I do love some of the buildings downtown. You might recognize the church (mentioned in previous posts) accross the street from the house where I grew up. The other building picyured was once a soda fountain- and it was used in the film Rumble Fish. I'm posting b.day party pix next. It was an excellent weekend here, et vous?
boys night out

Mark took Caleb to see the Starlight Mints tonight. Ryan, Phil, and Eric are going, too. Caleb is one of the guys. He was sooo excited.
His cake turned out tasty, but not real pretty. Oh well. If you put enough cocoa, sugar, flour, and oil together- you don't miss the eggs and milk. The frosting was super-delish...again lots of cocoa, sugar, and a little soy milk and soy butter. not healthy- but it's for his birthday, so it really shouldn't be. it was nice to be able to allow the kids to lick the bowl, safely.
I got into the U of Arkansas today. Some of you are asking yourselves why I applied there, so I will tell you. (It is not their renowned ag law program nor is it the close proximity to the wal-mart headquarters...) The ap was free on-line, and after I didn't get into OU, I kind of panicked about not having a backup (besides TU) that is close to Tulsa. So I did it. I kind of forgot about it until I got my packet today. It felt good- but don't hold your breath, Fayetteville.
Tomorrow is Caleb's family party. I think we might bowl for Em's b.day after, then Mark and I are going to the wedding of BJ's (of BJ's blog) younger sister. It is kind of weird, because I remember when she was Caleb's age, and Mark tutored her in math. I feel the same, but she got much older very quickly.
In between all of that, we need to clean for the party, take a load to goodwill, go to the store, wrap and decorate, finish the fence (mark) , finish taping chloe's room (painting on Sunday), and get the boards for the porch. I guess we should have been more productive this afternoon. Oh well, it was nice just the same.
Have a good night.
love 2 jump

By the way, that isn't her on the page. She thought it resembled her slightly, though.
une pause

Here I sit at school...at 6:07 PM. We are to stay until 8:30 PM, just in case a parent wants to visit with us about their child. I hope someone shows. I have around 120 students...surely 1 or 2 parents will come, right?
I even cleaned my classroom.
My grades are done and my lesson plans are ready for the next two weeks... we have spring break after that. (grinning)
I should be doing something really productive, but I am not. Right now, I am wondering things like, "Will I ever have long hair again?" or "Will a vegan birthday cake taste right?". I think I'll catch up on my daily news, then maybe research important stuff- like vegan wines.
This would be a good time to work on Mark's resumé. Maybe later...
south dakota lawmakers suck ass

Okay, so this is another story on my brain. http://www.sltrib.com/ci_3533793?source=rss I need confirmation, I guess. This case was decided oh about 32 years ago, right? I have to say, I am worried...knowing it will go before the supreme court (which is now stacked to the "right") What year is this? Gloria, where are you?!
the memo

no more cheese?!

Have a happy hump day~
He is 12!!

In other news... I bought my ticket to fly to Mass. over spring break. I plan to rent a car and drive up to Vermont, too. Should be exciting. I also got my ticket to Paris (I'm keeping Priceline busy) I got a good deal, so I am really excited. I'll be there from May 29- June 22. Yeah!!
Gotta run, Dylan and Liam have appointments this afternoon.
le vin

Okay, I have shyed away from discussions on alchohol for various reasons, but I feel as a wine lover, I need to pause and mention a few standouts. I was thrilled to see our local liquor store carrying the full line of Yellow Tail. (We even get the reserve!) For those of us on a meager budget, Yellow Tail is a great bargain. For a nice dry red, I like the Cab/Shiraz. As a person who prefers red, I can also say I thouroghly enjoy the plain Shiraz, which is slightly sweeter. For whites, I am a new fan of the German Reisling (a little sweet and very sharp), and yes- the Australian Yellow Tail makes a delicious Reisling, as well. For a drier white, I stick with the Pinot Grigio. Anywho, The Australian's are perfecting the business of tasty wine done cheap, and as long as I am surviving on this salary... I am going to be a loyal customer. Check out their site for more suggestions....http://yellowtailwineusa.com/
Sleepin' in

Tomorrow is a SNOW DAY!!! Yay- whooo!!!
Today has been another nice relaxing day at home...getting things done and eating junk food. Chloe went to a friend's house and is having her very 1st sleep over tonight. She has only called three times- just to say she is still having fun. Maybe I'll paint her room while she's gone.
I hope everyone had a great weekend.
PS This is the look I am getting from Missy right now... only less trippy.
mi amigo

Bee Gees reunite
un peu de neige

We had a lazy day around here. Mark did get called into work, and I managed to do a few chores...but we mostly took it easy. It was Papa John's customer appreciation day, which is practically a holiday at my house. There is something about cold weather and hot pizza that is so perfect. Mark and I took a walk to Block Buster- but we got "The Brother's Grimm" and I didn't last 3 minutes. He's still watching it. I will eat the pop corn, though. Pop corn and beer, another nice combo. I am enjoying one of the cream stouts I received for Valentine's Day.
I feel guilty because he's folding laundry, so I guess I'll go be helpful. I hope everyone had a relaxing Saturday and has a restful tomorrow. I would be thrilled to get more snow and miss school on Monday.
BTW, the play was hilarious. It was just what I needed.
good night.
Sapulpa's Chinatown

Sitting in Wok N Roll at just the right moment, (when people are about) I can imagine I am in a city. It sits on the corner of Main and Dewey, right in the heart of downtown, about halfway down the incline (not quite a hill) coming into town on 66. I love the view from that corner. The food is great, but you must be patient- he can only cook one meal at a time. It is just up the block from Paul's Bookplace, another gem on our downtown landscape.

Mich. Man Sentenced in Sheep Abuse Case
The Associated Press
A man who pleaded no contest to a sodomy charge involving a sheep says he should not have to register as a sex offender.
Jeffrey S. Haynes said the state registry is intended to keep track of people who have committed crimes against humans.
But Calhoun County Circuit Court Judge Conrad Sindt told Haynes at his sentencing hearing that once he is released from prison, he must register with the Michigan State Police Public Sex Offender Registry.
Haynes, 42, of Battle Creek, was sentenced Monday to 2 1/2 years to 20 years in prison. He entered the plea in January. A no contest plea is not an admission of guilt but is treated as such for sentencing purposes.
Tamara Towns, an assistant prosecutor for the county, argued that Haynes should be ordered to register as a sex offender because once out of prison, he could prey on children or vulnerable adults.
Haynes said he is not a violent person and would not assault children.
"The prosecutor is being real hard on me for what I did," he said. "But I should not be treated as a child molester."
A telephone call seeking comment was left Tuesday at the Marshall office of defense attorney John B. Sullivan.
Police said Haynes had sex with a sheep at a Bedford Township farm on Jan. 26, 2005. The animal's owner caught him on the property and the sheep was found injured.
Haynes was arrested in June after a DNA sample taken from the animal matched Haynes' genetic material.
Haynes has prior convictions for burglary, home invasion and uttering and publishing, and was on parole for burglary at the time of the sex crime.
ma maison

Many cold winters were spent in this house. Of course, in my day, there were no swans in the yard or recliners on the porch. The top window looks into my bedroom and the easy access to the roof was handy. Dia and I made good use of the porch and Mark and I made good use of my closet. Caleb is proof of that experience....Ah memories.
St Valentin est mort

Love, etc.
true love

She looks deep into his eyes and sees her future. She feels safe and secure in her plans. The future they will forge together is neatly recorded in her daily planner. Kids, pets, home repairs, etc. No turning back now. It all begins tomorrow. Tonight, however, she must make that final commitment. Take the last step. One last operation and she will be complete. He can never know.
no whammies!

Well, I am gathering another load to take to the goodwill. (Mark is at work, heh heh)
we are just alike

I found this last night (before reading http://spanksgretchen.blogspot.com/) and planned to post it in honor of Mark, for Valentines...but chez Oldham, we are always in the mood for love. (well, he is anyway) So here you go.

Tomorrow, I am off work (dentist apt.) and I have errands to run, a kitchen to paint, and sick days to burn. Alors, the weekend is here. I hope you all had great days and fabulous Fridays. Je t'embrasse, mes amis.
love, shit, and tic tac toe

Mark and I were interviewed by the Sapulpa paper today for a Valentines story they are doing on local couples. The writer is a former student. It will be interesting to see what she does with what we gave her. The story will run next Tuesday... on verra.
In other news, I caught Dylan eating shit tonight.
I have to say I love love the new Belle & Sebastian. Give it a listen, and I don't think you will be disappointed.
Tonight, as Chloe and I were playing tic tac toe on the computer, she looked at my watch and suddenly looked very sad, then she said, "someone just died." I asked her what she meant, and she looked at the screen and said very solemnly, "My friend says someone dies every minute, I just hope it wasn't someone I know." Then we resumed our game. I taught her how to send e-mails, and she wanted to know exactly how they got there. I don't know, really. Some of you can expect to get some Chloe e-mails, though. She wanted to send one to each person in my address book. Good night.
cutie patootie

Here's anothe Chloe movie...
You will have to turn up the volume, but she says, "This is Missy and she's 9" and "I gave her this food".- twice
Please excuse the mountain of laundry- they were in the utility room.
sometimes easier said than done

Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper.—Robert Frost